Research Proposal ON Consumer Preference On Beverage
Research Proposal ON Consumer Preference On Beverage
Research Proposal ON Consumer Preference On Beverage
A drink, or beverage, is a kind of liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption.
There are many types of drinks. They can be divided into various groups such as plain water,
alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks, soft drinks (carbonated drinks), fruit or vegetable juices and hot
drinks. In addition to fulfilling a basic need, drinks form part of the culture of human society.
There can be various reasons as to why a person drinks. It could be anything like peer pressure,
sociability, tradition, de-stress from work etc.
A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these intended to identify
the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of
competitors. Consumers view a brand as an important part of the product, and branding can add
value to the product. Nowadays, branding has become a major issue in product strategy. There
are numerous types of beverages which have various brands of their own available in market and
this project basically is to identify the different brands of beverages and to find out which brands
are the most preferred ones.
The major problem statement is the consumer preference of beverage in New Baneshwor. The
proposed research paper would help to indentify consumers preferences on beverage.
1.3 Objectives
The primary objective of this project is to find out consumers preference in beverage in regards
to brand and type of beverage.
With the help of this project I will be able to find out various brands of beverages. It will also
help me get feedback from consumers as well as retailers regarding the topic. Apart from that it
will also help me to find out about factors influencing the preference as well as about the market
share of beverages.
The research question will be based primary data random sampling taking at New Baneswor
shops. Composition of question will be subjective and objective. For example which brands of
beverages are most preferred? And what are the factors that influence people most to drink?
Secondary sources of data will also be considered during research analysis published from
different institutions, agencies and authors.
The proposed study will be limited only in New Baneswor vendors comprised of departmental,
wholesalers and retailers. The number of samples will be only
The answers given by the respondents might not always be true i.e. they can be biased.
The sample size is too small to reflect the actual preference level.
This proposal consists of three chapters in total. In chapter one the introduction to the subject
matter of the study that is the consumer preference of beverages in New Baneshwor is provided.
In this chapter, the reason of carrying out this study aims and objectives are provided. Chapter
Two is the literature review. This part bases on the review of the previously done studies on the
market research on consumer preference of beverages. Moreover, it consists of the theoretical
and conceptual framework of the different variable required for the study. In this part all the
variables required to determine the purpose of the study is shown in a chart. The chapter three
consists of the research methodology to explain the research methods which are utilized in this
study. The research design, plan, the sample size, data collection procedure to be used in the
study is explained in this chapter.
2.1 Literature Review
Price: The price of any product is the amount that is paid by a consumer to buy the
product. Price has a significant effect on consumers.
Age: The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed. People from
different age group have different thinking and taste which can affect the preference.
Habit: Due to their habit people become loyal to a brand and tend to buy product from a
specific brand only.
Income: Income level of a consumer affects the purchasing power. Higher the income
level more the purchasing power enabling them to buy expensive and numerous products
at a time.
Season: The preference for a type if beverage might change with the season. For eg; in
summer people prefer cold drinks and juice whereas in winter hot drinks and alcoholic
drinks are preferred more. Similarly, during festive seasons people prefer alcoholic and
cold drinks more than any other type of beverage.
A research design serves as a framework for the study, guiding the collection and analysis of the
data, the research instruments to be utilized, and the sampling plan to be followed. It is an
organized and integrated system that guides the researcher in formulating, implementing and
controlling the study. In research, there are basically two broad categories of research designs,
namely Quantitative and Qualitative research designs. In general, we can say that qualitative
research is rather subjective whereas quantitative research is relatively objective. To conduct
qualitative study, Researchers are required to have skills such as ability to think abstractly and
critically, analyze make judgment without bias. For quantitative study, the skills needed are
ability to set proper hypotheses, test them with proper statistical techniques, and interpret
statistical information to descriptive information.
Primary Source:
The basic method of my research is direct personal interview. I will be interviewing some of the
retailers and consumers.
Secondary source:
The internet reports, websites regarding consumer preference of beverages.
Web search