The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

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International Journal of Business and Management Invention

ISSN (Online): 2319 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 801X || Volume 6 Issue 4 || April. 2017 || PP66-78

The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

Dr. Bassam Al-Daibat1
(Administrative and financial Department, Irbed College/ Alpalqa Applied University, Jordan)

Abstract:The present study aims to examine the impact of internal social capital on competitive advantage at
Jordanian banks. The study's sample consists of (480) employees that will help answering the study's questions
and hypotheses; besides, the researcher developed a questionnaire for the detection of social capital dimensions
(relational social capital, cognitive social capital and structural social capital) and the level of competitive
advantage. The most important findings and conclusions of the research are: The arithmetic mean of the
estimates of employees at Jordanian banks towards social capital dimensions were high. The arithmetic mean of
the estimates of employees at Jordanian banks towards competitive advantage were moderate. Regression
results indicates that there is statistically significant effect for social capital on competitive advantage at
Jordanian banks. Besides, Structural social dimension influence came first concerning the size of the effect.

Keywords: cognitive social capital, competitive advantage, Jordanian Banks, relational social capital,
structural social capital.

Social capital is a modern concept playing essential role in organizations and societies. Nowadays, this
concept is being used extensively in sociology and economics, and even recently in management. The concept
of social capital indicates linkage and communication between members of a network and causes the goals of
the members to be met creating norms and mutual trust. The concept of social capital begins to propose in the
1970s, which first appeared in the field of sociology, and gradually entered into the field of economics and
management. With the understanding of social capital was deeper, it has been seen as a source of competitive
advantage. In an increasingly competitive market environment, banks cannot seek its own living space and
resources for future growth only by itself. The role of social capital on the firm plays pivotal role on firm
competitiveness. Banking sector is one of important sectors in Jordan, during previous years Jordans banking
sector maintained its strength and register tangible developments. Assets of licensed banks went up to reach
reaching JD 21.1 billion by the end of 2015(Association of Banks in Jordan, 2015).Social capital impacts on
various organizational performance outcomes, and establish connections and networking relationships with key
stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, competitors, business partners and local communities. Social capital
enables the reconfiguration of resources, integration of capabilities, and improvement of learning ability of
enterprises. Social capital is the necessary condition of exchange and integration, it develops the intellectual
capital. And it also encourages the innovation behavior.
This study adopts new approach which correlates dimensions of social dimensions with competitive
advantage. Furthermore; managing social capital does not gain enough attention to strategic management in
Jordan. Besides, there is lack of studies that attempt to explain the implications of social capital and its effect on
banks competitive advantage.

1.1 Problem and Questions of the Study

Social capital as a sophisticated combination of occupational business network and personal networks has won
great interest at the present time by researchers in Western societies within various social, political and
administrative disciplines. However, Social capital does not get much attention among Arab researchers, therefore
the present study will focus on social capital as a vital element that contributes in drawing the right image of social
relations within business organization. The problem of the study can be stated in the following question :What is the
effect of social capital on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks?. From this question, the following sub
questionsare derived:
What is the level of social capital dimensions (relational social capital, structural social capital and cognitive
social capital) in Jordanian banks?
What is the level of competitive advantage in Jordanian banks?
What is the effect of social capital on competitive advantage in Jordanian banks?

1.2 Study importance 66 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

The importance of this study is related to the topics it handles: social capital and competitive advantage, the
significance of the current study can determine as follows:
It is expected that the results of this study will benefit the decision-makers in Jordanian banks on how to build
social capital so it can increase its competitive advantage. Also understanding forms and dimensions of social
capital can help decision-makers decide where to concentrate when developing social capital.
The study will help Jordanian banks which consider important sector in Jordan through its
recommendations and conclusions that will help in managing social capital and competitive advantage.

1.3Study objectives
The study seeks to achieve a main aim, which is related to exploring the effect of social capital on competitive
advantage. Based on that main aim, this study aims at identifying:
The level of social capital and the level of competitive advantage from the perspective of workers at Jordanian
The level of social capital dimensions (structural social capital, relational social capital and cognitive social
The impact of social capital on competitive advantage from the perspective of workers at Jordanian banks.

1.4 Study Hypothesis

The first main hypothesis: Jordanian banks do not adopt social capital in their business.
The Second main hypothesis: There is no interest in the competitive advantage of Jordanian banks.
The Third main hypothesis: there is no statistically significant effect at the level of significance (0.05) for
social capital on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks.
The fourth main hypothesis: there is no statistically significant effect at the level of significance (0.05)
for social capital dimensions on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks.
Sub hypothesis1: there is no statistically significant effect at the level of significance(0.05) for relational
social capital on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks.
Sub hypothesis2: there is no statistically significant effect at the level of significance (0.05) for structural
social capital on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks.
Sub hypothesis3: there is no statistically significant effect at the level of significance (0.05) for cognitive
social capital on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks.

1.5 Previous Studies

The study of (Pratono et al., 2016)aimed at exploring the direct impact of social capital and moderating
impact of marketing capability on firms competitive advantage. The study showed that there is significant
statistical impact for social capital on competitive advantage. Furthermore, there is mediating role for marketing
capability in the impact of social capital on competitive advantage. Also, the results indicated that social capital
isa unique resource that enable organization to gain competitive advantage.
The study of (Kittikunchotiwut, 2015) aimed to investigate the influences of social capital dimensions(the
structural dimension, the relational dimension and the cognitive dimension) in relation to absorptive capacity
and organizational innovation. The results indicated that both the relational and cognitive dimensions have a
significant positive impact on absorptive capacity. Absorptive capacity has a significant positive impact on
organizational innovation.
The study of ( Almahasneh&Hawajreh. 2015)aimed to measure and analyze the impact of human capital and
social capital on the business performance (innovation processes, operations processes, social interaction) from
the perspective of managers working in the pharmaceutical industry in Jordan. The results indicated that the
importance level of human capital and social capital in the pharmaceutical industry in Jordan was high. The
study also concluded that social capital was the most important, and finally human capital. The importance level
of effectiveness of business performance within the Jordanian pharmaceutical industry was high. There was an
impact of human capital, and social capital on all dimensions of business performance in the Jordanian
pharmaceutical industry.
The study of (Odeh, 2014) aimed to identify the role of social capital in achieving competitive advantage at
private banks in Iraq. The arithmetic mean of the estimates of employees towards social capital and advantage
were high. The study showed that there is statistical significance relation between social capital dimensions and
competitive advantage. Besides, there is statistically significant effect for social capital dimensions on
competitive advantage.
The study of (Waleed. 2015) aimed to clarify the relation between continuous improvement and social
capital, and to explore the effect of continuous improvement dimensions (managerial improvement and
engineering improvement) on social capital. The results confirmed that there is positive correlation 67 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

between managerial improvement and engineering improvement and social capital. Besides, there is
statistically significant effect for continuous improvement and on social capital .
The study of (Tuner, 2011)investigated the relationship between social capital dimensions (cognitive,
structural, relational and intellectual) and three distinct measures of firm performance(innovation, profitability
and cost improvement) and the role of the moderating variables ( motivation and environmental turbulence ) in
these relation. The study concluded that motivation and environmental turbulence moderate the relationship
between intellectual capital and performance. Besides, social capital has a significant positive impact on
The study of (Gwan. 2010) aimed to explore the impact of social capital on entrepreneurship, innovation,
and economic development in the knowledge economy. The empirical results indicated that there are positive
relationships between social capital and entrepreneurship, between social capital and innovation, and between
social capital and economic development. Specifically, there is a positive and statistically significant
relationship between social capital and entrepreneurship among women with low levels of education attainment.
The regression results also revealed that social capital has a positive influence on overall innovation at the
country level, controlling for interaction between social capital and entrepreneurship.
The study of (Gang. 2010)aimed to analyze the direct effect of corporate social capital on entrepreneurial
performance, and to analyze the indirect effect in presence of entrepreneurial innovation as an intermediary
variable. The results show that corporate social capital, organizational innovation, entrepreneurial performance
were a significant positive correlation; organizational innovation plays an intermediary role between corporate
social capital and entrepreneurial performance; structure of social capital, relational social capital and cognitive
social capital have positive effects on different levels to technological innovation and management innovation,
organizational innovation and management innovation have a significant positive effect to each of the survival
performance and growth performance.
The study of (Hasoni. 2016)aimed at exploring the impact of Intellectual capital on competitive advantage
at general company for mechanistic industry. The results indicated that there is statistically significant effect
for intellectual capital on competitive advantage. Besides, the dimensions of Intellectual capital( human capital,
structural capital, and relational capital) have a significant positive impact on competitive advantage.
The study of (Xiang. 2009) aimed to measure and analyze the impact of social capital, dynamic capabilities,
and innovation on competitive advantage in Chinese real estate industry. The results indicated that there is a
positive correlation between sustainable competitive advantage with social capital, dynamic capabilities, and
innovation. Besides, Social capital improves dynamic capabilities.


2.1 Definitions of Social Capital
There are numerous definitions related to the meaning of social capital,(Lawson et al., 2008) define social
capital as a valuable asset that stems from access to resources made available through social relationships.
whereas (Krause et al., 2007) define social capital as a valuable asset that stems from access to resources made
available through social relationships. (Lin, 2002) Indicted thatsocial capital is broadly seen as the resources,
knowledge and information that accrue to an individual, organization or a collective as a result of a network of
social relationships within and between organizations, institutions and communities.(Putnam ,1993) defined
social capital as the characteristics of a social organization, such as trust, the norms and the networks that may
make society more efficient by facilitating a coordinated form of action. Bourdieu (1986) defined social capital
as the sum of resources, actual and virtual, that accrue to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a
durable network of institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition.

2.2 Forms of Social Capital

Social capital is divided into the two categories of internal social capital and external social capital based on
where actors obtain their social capital resources. Internal social capital comes from social network structures
and connections or ties among individual members of an organization, a community or a system (Acquaah,
2011). External social capital on the other hand derives from the social network structures and connections
between an actor, organization, or a community and its important external stakeholders.

2.3 Dimensions of social capital

Recent administrative literature conceptualizes social capital as being comprised of three inter-related
dimensions: the relational social dimension, the structural social dimension, and the cognitive social dimension.
Each dimension of social capital serves as a separate construct and, while the characteristics used to describe the
three dimensions of social capital are highly interrelated, each has a set of unique qualities. 68 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

2.3.1 Relational Dimension

The relational dimension concerns the kind of personal relationships people have developed with each other
through a history of interactions (Nahapiet and Ghoshal 1998).This dimension encompasses the characteristics
and qualities of individual relationships. Therefore, issues such as shared history, trust, respect, and friendship
are important. The relational dimension is associated with the qualities of ongoing relationships. The relational
dimension encompasses the character and qualities of the connection between individuals. This is often
characterized through trust and cooperation and the identification that a particular individual has within a
network of relationships. Relational social capital focuses on the quality of the relationship or interactions and
the resources that are created or leveraged through the relationships. Its attributes include trust, trustworthiness,
respect and friendship.

2.3.2 Structural Dimension

The structural dimension concerns the properties of the social system and of the network of relations as a
whole (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998).Structural social capital refers to what peopledo (associational links,
networks) which could be objectively verified (by observation or records) (Harpham, 2008).Structural social
capital thus refers to the structure or pattern of connections between actors whom you reach, how you reach
them, and how frequently you share resources and information (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998).
The structural dimension encompasses network components and facets such as the presence or absence of
ties between parties, the configuration of a network, and concepts such as denseness of relationships, structural
holes in networks, the presence or absence of network ties between different people, formal and informal
network configuration, and the density and connectivity of a network. The social networks and ties embedded in
the structural and relational dimensions of social capital have been further classified based on the strength and
diversity of the ties, the direction of the ties (horizontal and vertical) and the formality of the ties (formal and
informal)( Burt, 2002).

2.3.3 Cognitive Dimension

The cognitive dimension refers to those resources providing shared representations, interpretations, and
systems of meaning among parties (Nahapiet and Ghoshal 1998). Cognitive social capital refers to what people
feel (values and perceptions (Harpham 2008). It represents resources obtained from a common set of goals, a
shared vision, and shared representations, interpretations, and systems of meaning among parties. This
dimension encompasses the shared meanings and shared interpretations between parties in a relationship. The
cognitive dimension captures the concepts of shared norms, systems of meanings and values, and, as such, we
can expect the cognitive dimension to directly impact the development of social capital and the development of
relationships(Nahapiet 2008, Krause et al. 2007).


3.1 Definitions of Competitive advantage
Competitive advantage may be defined as the extent to which a firm is able to create a defensible position
over its competitors( Tracey et al., 1998).(Ma, 1999) defines competitive advantage as the asymmetry or
differential in any attribute or factor that allows a firm to serve its customers more effectively than others and
hence to create better customer value and achieve superior performance. These attributes may include access
to natural resources, highly skilled labor, geographic location, high entry barriers, etc. Access to new technology
can also be considered as an attribute of competitive advantage, or a low-cost power source, highly skilled labor,
geographic location, high entry barriers, etc (Wheelen& Hunger, 2010). Competitive advantage, as identified by
(Passemard and Kleiner , 2000)is derived from five sources of innovation: new technologies; the modification
of demand or the emergence of new demand; the emergence of a new segment; changes in costs or the
availability of means of production; and changes in regulation. Competitive advantage is concerned with
developing differences that will result in clients positively distinguishing the output from alternatives in the
market(Porter, 1998).

3.2 Dimensions of Competitive advantage

Competitive advantage is the leverage that a business has over its competitors. This can be gained by
offering clients better value. Advertising products or services with lower prices or higher quality interests
consumers. Target markets recognize these unique products or services (Decastro& Chrisman, 1998).Creating
competitive advantage requires a determination of the factors that may put a firm in a better position in
relation to its competitors in the market place. Four strategic capabilities which can be considered as
competitive priorities are low cost, quality, quick delivery and flexibility (Conner, 2003). 69 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

Low cost: a bank sets out to become the low cost service provider within the industry and hence develops a
range of banking services and products and serves many industry segments. The sources of cost advantage
are varied in the banking industry considering the structure of the industry. To achieve a cost advantage in
the banking services delivery requires significantly low overheads, abundant sources of cheap labour and
efficient procedures for training staff. A low cost producer must find and exploit all sources of cost
advantage. The sources of cost advantage which may be varied could include the pursuit of economies
of scale, proprietary technology, preferential access to raw materials and other factors. The achievement
and sustenance of overall cost leadership by a bank depends on pricing at or close to the industry average
in order to achieve above-average industry performance(Wesulah, 2016).
Quality: by adding unique characteristics to the products which gives it competitive attractiveness for
customers benefits. Quality is achieved through design quality which means the appropriate characteristics
of product design for the function. Besides, conformity quality which means the ability of organization to
convert inputs into outputs consistent with design characteristic.
Flexibility: the ability of processes to change from one product to another, and from one customer to
another within less cost. Flexibility means the ability to adapt production capacity to changes that occur in
the environment and demand processes. Also, flexibility includes product flexibility which means the
ability to keep pace with changes in customers' tastes and needs through changes in product design as well
as flexibility in scale, which means the organization's ability to respond to changes in demand
levels(Conner, 2003).
Quick delivery: the extent to which the organization has complied with the delivery dates agreed upon with
the customer. Besides, speed in designing new products and offering them to customers as soon as possible.
Three considerations for quick delivery are : delivery speed, punctual delivery and speed of development.

3.3Generic competitive strategies

Michael Porter identified three strategies that businesses can use to tackle competition. These approaches
can be applied to all businesses whether they are product-based or service-based. He called these approaches
generic strategies. They include cost leadership, differentiation and focus. These strategies have been created to
improve and gain competitive advantage over competitors( Porter, 1990).
Successfully implemented strategies will lift a firm to superior performance by facilitating the firm with
competitive advantage to outperform current or potential players .To gain competitive advantage, a business
strategy of a firm manipulates the various resources over which it has direct control and these resources have the
ability to generate competitive advantage (Rijamampianina ,2003). Superior performance outcomes and
superiority in production resources reflect competitive advantage (Lau, 2002).

3.3.1Cost leadership strategy

Cost leadership is a business ability to produce a product or service that will be at a lower cost than other
competitors. If the business is able to produce the same quality product but sell it for less this gives them a
competitive advantage over other businesses. Therefore, this provides a price value to the customers. If
businesses are not making a large enough profit, Porter recommends finding a low-cost base such as labor, and
facilities.This gives businesses a lower manufacturing cost over those of other competitors. The company can
add value to the customer via transfer the cost benefit to themA cost leadership strategy requires intense
supervision of labour, tight cost control, frequent and detailed control reports and structured firm (Phusavat
&Kanchana, 2007).

3.3.2Differential strategy
A differential advantage is when a business' products or services are different to its competitors. The
business will need strong research, development and design thinking to create innovative ideas. These
improvements to the goods or service could include delivering high quality to customers. If customers see a
product or service as being different from other products, consumers are willing to pay more to receive these
benefits.( Evans &Collier,2007). To be successful that is achieve and sustain differentiation, the firm's price
premium must exceed the costs incurred in creating or attaining its unique position. The logic behind this
strategy, according to (Porter, 1998), requires the firm to select the attributes in which to differentiate itself
from the competition that is the firm must be truly unique at something or perceived to be as such if it expects a
premium price.

3.3.3 Focus strategy

Focus strategy ideally tries to get businesses to aim at a few target markets rather than trying to target
everyone. This strategy is often used for smaller businesses, as they may not have the appropriate resources and
ability to target everyone. Businesses that use this method usually focus on the needs of the customer and how 70 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

their products or services could improve their daily lives. In this method, some firms may even let consumers
give their inputs for their product or service. This strategy can also be called the segmentation strategy, which
includes geographic, demographic, behavioral and physical segmentation. By narrowing the market down to
smaller segments, businesses are able to meet the needs of the consumer(Wheelen & Hunger, 2010). In cost
focus a firm seeks a cost advantage in its target segment, while in differentiation focus a firm seeks
differentiation in its target segment. Both variants of the focus strategy rest on differences between a focuser's
target segment and other segments in the industry. The target segments must either have buyers with unusual
needs or else the production and delivery system that best serves the target segment must differ from that of
other industry segments. Cost focus exploits differences in cost behaviour in some segments, while
differentiation focus exploits the special needs of buyers in certain segments (Awuah, 2011). Any bank that
wants to focus must select a segment or group of segments within the banking industry and tailor its strategy to
serving them to the exclusion of others. By optimizing its strategy, for the target segments, the focuser seeks
to achieve a competitive advantage overall. In the banking system, there are two variants to the focus strategy.
A cost focus bank is the type that seeks a cost advantage in its target customer segment, while a differentiation
focusing bank seeks differentiation in its customer segment. Both variants of the focus strategy rest on
differences between a focuser's target segment and other segments within the industry (Czinkota et al, 1990).


4.1 Study Community and Sample: the community of the study consists all workers and managers who are
employed in (16) Jordanian banks. A simplerandom sample was chosen from the study community, the
researcher distributed (500) questionnaires, with due regard to employees at all levels. (490) questionnaires were
received with the rate of return (98%). Only (10) questionnaires were dismissed because of being unusable for
statistical analysis.
4.2 Study instrument: the researcher reviewed the theoretical background and previous studies about social
capital and competitive advantage. The researcher also reviewed many questionnaires that used in the previous
studies ,so he designed one that reflects social capital and competitive advantage. The parts of the questionnaire
Part one- background information: - In this part, respondents were asked to indicate their gender, age, level of
education, job title, and experience.
Part two- dimensions of the study:-This part covers dimensions:-

The first dimension independent variable- social capital which contains (24) items. Social capital contain
the secondary dimensions:- items from (H1 to H8) related to relational social capital, items from( H9 to H16)
related to cognitive social capital, items from (H17 to H24) related to structural social capital.
- The second dimension- dependent variable- is competitive advantage which contains sixteen items from (H25
to H40). The participants were asked to identify the degree of their agreement with each item in
the second and third sections of the study , using five point Likert scale (5= strongly agree, 4= agree,
3=neutral, 2= disagree, and 1= strongly disagree). The scale was calculated through the following formula: The
highest point of the scale (5) the lowest point of the scale (1)/ the number of required categories (3) = 1.33.
Thus, 1.33 was added to the end of each category, so that the categories and the degree of agreement became as
follows (from -1.00 to less than 2.33 = low ) and (from 2.33 to 3.66 medium) and (from 3.67 to 5.00 = high).

4.3 Study Validity and Reliability

- Face validity: this is applied in the present study in two phases: First, the questionnaire sent to a pilot sample
of (30) workers from different managerial level to assess the clarity of the questionnaire .Second, The
questionnaire was reviewed by (10) referees from among the faculty members at Jordanian universities, and
some items were adjusted based on their recommendations.
- Instrument reliability:- the current applied Cronbach's Alpha measures the reliability of measurement in
similar research. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient value of all dimensions of the study is (95%).

4.4 Statistical methods used

In order to answer the questions of the study and test its hypotheses , the following statistics were employed:
percentages , frequencies , simple regression, multiple regression, and (T- test). 71 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

4.5 Data Presentation and Analysis:

A profile of the sample:the characteristics of the respondents are shown in table (1).
Table (1) Frequencies and Percentages of Demographics factors of the sample
Variable Characteristics Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 376 78.3%
Female 104 22.7%
Age 20-less than 30 Years 122 25.4%
30- less than 40 Years 80 16.7%
40- less than 50 Years 132 27.5%
50- less than 60 Years 102 21.3%
60+ 44 9.2%
Education Diploma 116 24.1%
Bachelor 260 54.1%
Post Graduate 104 21.6%
Job Title General Manger 15 3.1%
Department Manager 25 5.2%
Section Head 123 25.6%
Worker 317 66.1%
Experience Years Less Than 5 Years 69 14.4%
6-10 Years 99 20.6%
11-15 Years 208 43.3%
More than 15 Years 104 21.7%

The results show that the majority of respondents (78.3%)are males and the remaining are females
.Nearly (27.5%)of respondents are (40- less than 50 Years) years of age ,over (54%) hold bachelor degree..
Moreover, (66.1%) of the respondents are workers. Table (1) indicates that(43.3%) of respondents are (11-
15 Years) years' experience.

4.6 Analysis of the questions of the study:

What is the level of social capital dimensions (relational social capital, structural social capital and cognitive
social capital) in Jordanian banks?
Table 2: The means and standard deviations of the level of social capital dimensions
Rank dimension Mean* Standard Degree of
deviation assessment
1 Structural dimension of social capital 3.80 .49 High
2 Relational dimension of social capital 3.54 .54 Moderate
3 Cognitive dimension of social capital 3.82 .49 High
Social capital as a whole 3.72 .39 High
* (From1.00 to less than 2.33 = low ), (from 2.33 to 3.66 medium) and (from 3.67 to 5.00 = high)

Table (2) shows that the level of social capital as a whole among members of study sample at Jordanian
banks was high, with a mean of (3.72) and a standard deviation of (0.39), which suggests the similarity of the
responses of the participants of the study concerning social capital as a whole. Table ( 2) shows also that the
means of the responses of the participants of the study concerning social capital dimension ranged between
(3.54- 3.82), the highest being for cognitive dimension of social capital, with a mean of (3.82) and a standard
deviation of (0.49) and a high degree of assessment. Dimension structural social capital follows cognitive social
capital with a mean of (3.80) and standard deviation of (0.49), and lastly came the dimension of relational
dimension of social capital with a mean of (3.54) and a standard deviation of (0.54) and a moderate degree of
assessment. The means and standard deviations of the assessments of the participants of the study, concerning
the items related to the dimensions of social capital, which were as follows:

First dimension: Relational capital

Table (3): The means and standard deviations of relational capital
Item dimension Mean* S.D Degree of
No. assessment
1 The relationship between workers characterized by close, 3.85 .68 High
personal interaction at multiple levels.
2 The relationship between workers characterized by mutual 3.70 .73 High
respect at multiple levels.
3 The relationship between workers characterized by mutual 3.43 .88 moderate
trust at multiple levels.
4 Our employees are skilled at collaborating with each other to 3.85 .68 High
diagnose and solve problems.
5 Our employees share information and learn from one another. 3.60 .64 moderate
6 Our employees interact and exchange ideas with people from 3.35 .61 moderate
different areas of the company. 72 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage
7 Our employees apply knowledge from one area of the company 3.33 .47 moderate
to problems and opportunities that arise in another.
8 I feel of social support when I face any difficulties at work. 3.26 .55 moderate
*)From 1.00 to less than 2.33 = low ), (from 2.33 to 3.66 medium) and (from 3.67 to 5.00 = high)

Table (3) shows that the means and standard deviations for the items related to relational social capital. The
means of the items ranged between (3.26-3.85) , the highest was the mean for items(1,4) (3.85) , and a standard
deviation of(.68) and with a high assessment, while item (8) was ranked last with a mean
of(3.26) and a standard deviation of (0.63) and a medium degree of assessment.
Second dimension: cognitive capital

Table (4): The means and standard deviations of cognitive capital

Item dimension Mean* S.D Degree of
No. assessment
9 All workers in our bank share the same business values 3.61 .87 moderate
10 All workers in our bank share the same business goals 4.04 .61 High
11 All workers in our bank recognize their roles in achieving goals 4.01 .63 High
12 Workers in our bank share the same organizational culture 4.11 .59 High
13 workers in our bank recognize their surrounding relations for work 3.85 .74 High
14 workers in our bank recognize the necessary resources for work 3.58 .84 moderate
15 There is similarity between employee personal vision and group 3.41 .69 moderate
vision about what is right
16 Workers collaborate with each other to know new work methods 4.01 .63 High
*(from1.00 to less than 2.33 = low ), (from 2.33 to 3.66 medium) and (from 3.67 to 5.00 = high)

Table (4) shows that the means and standard deviations for the items related to cognitive capital. The means
of the items ranged between (3.41-4.11) , the highest was the mean for item(12) (4.11) , and a standard
deviation of(.49), and with a high assessment, while item (15) was ranked last with a mean
of(3.41) and a standard deviation of (0.69) and a medium degree of assessment.

Third dimension: structural capital

Table (5): The means and standard deviations of structural capital
Item dimension Mean* S.D Degree of
No. assessment
17 Network relations in our bank help in transfer knowledge 3.78 .87 moderate
18 Social ties between workers leverage communication efficiency 3.73 .61 High
19 We have very strong ties between networks 3.68 .63 High
20 I think that the degree of closeness between employees at network is 3.35 .59 moderate
21 our network members have diverse attributes 4.01 .74 High
22 The relationships between individuals in our group is strong and inspire 4.04 .84 High
group commitment
23 All members of our network are linked to each other by direct ties. 4.00 .69 High
24 The solidarity existing among workers who know one another is high. 3.85 .63 High

*(from 1.00 to less than 2.33 = low ), (from 2.33 to 3.66 medium) and (from 3.67 to 5.00 = high)
table (5) shows that the means and standard deviations for the items related to structural capital. The means of
the items ranged between (3.35-4.04) , the highest was the mean for item(22) (4.04) , and a standard deviation
of(.84), and with a high assessment , while item (20) was ranked last with a mean of(3.35)
and a standard deviation of (.59) and a medium degree of assessment.

What is the level of competitive advantage in Jordanian banks?

Table (6) : The means and standard deviations of competitive advantage

Item dimension Mean* S.D Degree of
No assessment
25 The Bank can design its services at the lowest possible cost without 3.70 .73 High
affecting customer requirements
26 The Bank uses its economic, human and material resources in 3.58 .76 moderate
rational manner 73 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage
27 The Bank seeks to reduce the costs of its direct services in a manner 3.57 .74 moderate
that does not conflict with service quality
28 The bank uses economic of scale to reduce costs 3.94 .76 High
29 The bank uses low cost initiative to customers 3.94 .76 High
30 The Bank uses local and international quality assurance standards 3.25 .64 moderate
31 The Bank uses a variety of methods to improve the quality and uses 3.44 .66 moderate
continuous development of its services
32 The Bank uses various methods of quality control to maintain 3.70 .70 High
customer satisfaction
33 The Bank is committed to exact dates of service completion 3.85 .68 High
34 The Bank offers a wide variety of services to satisfy customers' 3.70 .73 High
35 The Bank has the ability to provide new services 3.42 .65 moderate
36 The Bank can respond quickly to the required changes in its banking 3.78 .69 High
37 The Bank can change branches activity to provide more services 3.48 .61 moderate
38 Bank employees have a variety of skills to do more services 3.85 .68 High
39 The Bank can diversify its services in response to changing demand 3.70 .73 High
40 The Bank can provide electronic services for customers continuously. 3.32 .69 moderate
competitive advantage as a whole 3.64 .49 moderate
*)from 1.00 to less than 2.33 = low ), (from 2.33 to 3.66 medium) and (from 3.67 to 5.00 = high)
Table (6) shows that the mean for competitive advantage as a whole is(3.64) and standard deviation(.49) and
with a moderate assessment. Table (6) shows the means and standard deviations for the items related to
competitive advantage. The means of the items ranged between (3.32-3.94) , the highest was the mean for
items(28 and 29) (3.94) , and a standard deviation of(.76), and with a high assessment, while item (30)
was ranked last with a mean of(3.25) and a standard deviation of (.64) and a medium degree of

4.7 Study Hypothesis Testing

The first main hypothesis: Jordanian banks do not adopt social capital in their business. To test the first
hypothesis, we used one sample (T- test) to confirm the results in the tables(3,4 and 5).

Table(7):One sample (T- test)responses of study sample members toward social capital
Social capital dimensions T Df Sig Mean 95% confidence interval of
2- tailed difference difference
Upper Lower
Relational dimension 32.967 471 .000 .546 .5786 .5135
Cognitive dimension 35.974 471 .000 .827 .8725 .7821
Structural dimension 35.043 471 .000 .805 .8511 .7607
Social capital 40.013 471 .000 .726 .7621 .6908

Table (7) indicates that the application level was found to exceed the approved average of (3), the value of
(t) test for relational dimension was(32.967), the value of (t) test for cognitive dimension was(35.043), the value
of (t) test for structural dimension was(35.043). Besides, the value of (t) test for social capital was(40.013). The
value of (t) for all dimensions above their tabular value. Which means that Jordanian banks adopt social capital
in their business.

The Second main hypothesis: There is no interest in the competitive advantage of Jordanian banks.To test
the second hypothesis, we used one sample (T- test) to confirm the results in the table(8 ).

Table (8):One sample (T- test)responses of study sample members toward competitive advantage
T Df Sig Mean 95% confidence interval of
2- tailed difference difference
Upper Lower
Competitive advantage 28.344 471 .000 .639 .5956 .6843

Table (8) indicates that the interest level was found to exceed the approved average of (3), the value of (t) test
for competitive advantage was(28.344) and it is above tabular value. Which means that we accept the
alternative hypotheses there is interest in the competitive advantage of Jordanian banks.

The Third main hypothesis: there is no statistically significant effect (0.05) for social capital on
competitive advantage at Jordanian banks. Simple linear regression was employed as illustrated in tables (9

Table (9) : Results of simple linear regression for the third main hypothesis 74 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage
model Source of Sum of df Mean of R R2 Adjusted F value significance
variance squares squares R
Simple regression Regression 84.556 1 84.556 .864 .746 .746 1381.265 .000(a)
Residual 28.772 470 .061
Total 113.328 471

the table above shows that the value of (F) is (1381.265) , with a statistical significance of (0.000), which is less
than (0.05), which indicates the interpretive and predictive power for using the simple linear regression model
between the independent variable (social capital) and the dependent variable (competitive advantage) thus,
the simple linear regression model is appropriate for the assessment of the causative relationship
between the independent variable (social capital) and the dependent variable (competitive advantage). It is
also shown that the value of the correlation coefficient between independent variable (social capital)
and the dependent variable(competitive advantage) was (.864), and that the value of (R2) was (.746), and the
value of adjusted (R2) was (.746). which indicates that the independent variable (social capital) was able to
account for (74.6%) of the changes which occurred to the dependent variable(competitive advantage),and the
rest is due to other factors.

Table (10)The significance of standardized and unstandardized simple linear regression coefficient of the third
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .363 .108 3.352 .001
Social capital 1.074 .029 .864 37.165 .000
Table (10) shows that:-
- The presence of a statistical significance for the constant of the simple linear regression formula , (t) value
was (3.352) and with a statistical significance of (0.000) which less than (0.05) which
indicates the significance of the constant of the simple linear regression model whose value was (.363).
- The presence of a statistical significance for the standardized and unstandardized simple linear
regression formula related to the independent variable (social capital) in which the value of (t), was (37.165),
with a significance of (0.000) which is less than the significance level (0.05) which indicates the rejection
of the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis which states there is statistically significant
effect at the level (0.05) for social capital on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks.
The fourth main hypothesis: there is no statistically significant effect (0.05) for social capital dimensions
on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks.
Sub hypothesis1: there is no statistically significant effect (0.05) for relational social capital on competitive
advantage at Jordanian banks.
Sub hypothesis2: there is no statistically significant effect (0.05) for structural social capital on competitive
advantage at Jordanian banks.
Sub hypothesis3: there is no statistically significant effect (0.05) for cognitive social capital on competitive
advantage at Jordanian banks. multiple linear regression was used in exploring the presence of a statistically
significant effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable at the significance level
(0.05). Upon inserting the independent variables into the multiple linear regression analysis (relational
social capital, structural social capital and cognitive social capital) through stepwise method. Table (11) shows
that all social capital dimensions has a predictive power and is statistically significant.

Table (11) : Multiple linear regression for the fourth hypothesis

Independent Source of Sum of df Mean of R R2 Adjusted F value significance
variables variance squares squares R2
Structural Regression 71.397 1 71.397 .794 .630 .629 800.293 .000(a)
social dimension Residual 41.931 470 .089
Total 113.328 471
Relational Regression 84.544 2 42.272 .864 .746 .745 688.773 .000(b)
Social Residual 28.784 469 .061
dimension Total 113.328 471
Cognitive Regression 86.660 3 28.887 .874 .765 .763 506.949 .000(c)
social Residual 26.667 468 .057 .
dimension Total 113.328 471

table ( 11) shows that all independent variables had statistically significant effects on
competitive advantage, structural social dimension influence came first concerning the size of the effect, and its
multiple correlation coefficient value was (.794) and the (R2) was (.630) and the value of adjusted
(R2) was (.629) which indicates that structural social dimension was capable of accounting for 75 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

(62.9%) of the changes in the dependent variable (competitive advantage). Relational social
dimension came second in terms of the size of the effect, and its multiple correlation coefficient
when added to the effect of structural social dimension was (.864) , ( R2) was (.746) for both dimensions, and
the value of their adjusted R2 was (.745) which indicates that the dimensions of structural social
dimension and relational social dimension together accounted for (74.5%) of the changes in the
dependent variable (competitive advantage). Cognitive social capital came third in terms of the size
of the effect, and its multiple correlation coefficient when added to the effect of structural social
dimension and relational social dimension was (.874) , ( R2) was (.765) for all dimensions, and the value
of their Adjusted R2 was (.763) which indicates that the dimensions of structural social dimension,
relational social dimension and cognitive social dimension together accounted for (76.3%) of the
changes in the dependent variable (competitive advantage).

Table (12): The significance of standardized and unstandardized multiple linear regression coefficient of the
fourth hypotheses
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .519 .112 4.627 .000
Structural social capital .418 .032 .426 13.096 .000
Relational social capital .521 .041 .382 12.595 .000
Cognitive social capital .188 .031 .192 6.094 .000
The table(12) shows:-
-The existence of a statistical significance for the constant of the multiple linear regression formula, in which the
value of( t) was (4.627) with a statistical significance of (0.000) which is below the level ( 0.05), which
indicates the significance of the constant.
- The presence of a statistical significance for the coefficient of the multiple linear regression
formula related to the independent variable structural social dimension , which the value of (t) was (13.096) ,
with a statistical significance of (0.000) , which is below the significance level ( 0.05) , which suggests the
rejection of the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis which states that : there is a statistically
significant effect (0.05) for structural social dimension on employees competitive advantage.
- The presence of a statistical significance for the coefficient of the multiple linear regression
formula related to the independent variable relational social dimension, which the value of (t) was (12.595) ,
with a statistical significance of (0.000) , which is below the significance level ( 0.05) , which suggests the
rejection of the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis which states that : there is a statistically
significant effect (0.05) for relational social dimension on employees competitive advantage.
- The presence of a statistical significance for the coefficient of the multiple linear regression
formula related to the independent variable cognitive social dimension , for which the value of ( t) was (6.094) ,
with a statistical significance of (0.000) , which is below the significance level ( 0.05) , which suggests the
rejection of the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis which states that : there is a statistically
significant effect (0.05) for cognitive social dimension on employees competitive advantage.

5.1 Conclusion
1-The results related to the first hypothesis and first question shows that Jordanian banks adopt social capital
in their business. The level of social capital as a whole at Jordanian banks is high with a mean of (3.72).
Practicing the dimensions of social capital was as follows: The dimension cognitive social was ranked first,
with a mean of (3.82) and a standard deviation of (0.49) and a high degree of assessment, and the dimension of
structural social capital came next, with a mean of (3.80) and a standard deviation of (0.49) and a high degree of
assessment, lastly came the dimension relational social capital with a mean of (3.54) and a standard deviation
of (0.54) and a moderate degree of assessment. Based on this result, the researcher believes that Jordanian banks
are aware of the importance social capital dimensions( structural, relational and cognitive)either independently
or jointly because it is provide value to organizations in the form of increased profitability, sales growth, and
increases in market share. This result is consistent with studies of(Odeh, 2014), study of
(Almahasneh&Hawajreh. 2015), and study of (Gwan. 2010).
2-The results related to the second hypothesis indicated that Jordanian banks interest in their competitive
advantage Table (6) shows that the mean for competitive advantage as a whole is(3.64) and standard
deviation(.49) and with a moderate assessment. Based on this result, the researcher believes that Jordanian
banks are aware of the importance competitive advantage .This result is consistent with studies (Pratono et al.,
2016) and (Xiang. 2009).
3-The results related to the third hypothesis shows that there is statistically significant effect for social capital
on competitive advantage at Jordanian banks. Through the results of simple linear regression, it was shown that 76 | Page
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

social capital account for (74.6%) of the changes which occurred to the dependent variable (competitive
advantage), and the rest is due to other factors. Based on this result, the researcher believes that social capital
can provide Jordanian banks with competitive advantage as a result of access to valuable resources, knowledge
and information that are not easily traded. It provides value to businesses in the form improved performance,
market opportunities innovation and new product development, and enhanced reputation. This result is
consistent with studies of (Pratono et al., 2016), (Kittikunchotiwut, 2015), (Tuner, 2011) and the study of
(Hasoni. 2016).
4-The results related to the forth hypothesis shows that there is statistically significant effect for social capital
dimensions( relational social capital, structural social capital and cognitive social capital)on competitive
advantage at Jordanian banks. Through the results of multiple linear regression, it was shown that the
dimensions of relational social capital, structural social capital and cognitive social capital together accounted
for (76.3%) of the changes in the dependent variable (competitive advantage).Structural social dimension
influence came first concerning the size of the effect, relational social dimension came second in terms of
the size of the effect, cognitive social capital came third in terms of the size of the effect. Based
on this result, the researcher believes that structural social capital have direct effect on competitive advantage
through the pattern of the connections between workers , social network structure, position social participation,
and social connections. Also relational social capital affects competitive advantage through the quality of the
relationship or interactions and the resources that are created or leveraged through the relationships. include
trust, trustworthiness, respect and friendship. Besides, cognitive social capital affects competitive advantage
through resources that obtained from a common set of goals, a shared vision, and shared representations. This
result is consistent with studies of study of(Pratono et al., 2016) and the study of (Odeh, 2014).

5.2 Recommendations
After data presentation and analysis and after answering the study's questions, the researcher provided the
following recommendations:
1- Providing a suitable environment for social gathering and interaction; hence it supports trust, awareness, team
work and cohesiveness.
2- Jordanian banks should focus on building their internal social capital such as providing an environment where
norms and values are adhered to or encouraging networking relationships among employees, and develop the
skills and capabilities of employees for knowledge sharing.
3- Increasing the effectiveness of relational social capital through social cohesion(social interaction and
togetherness) and social networking and relationships, and on trust
4- Using local and international quality assurance standards and clarifying organization vision for all workers.

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