Design and Optimization of Bicycle Frame For The Cyclist's Comfort
Design and Optimization of Bicycle Frame For The Cyclist's Comfort
Design and Optimization of Bicycle Frame For The Cyclist's Comfort
Abstract Bicycle plays an inherent role in our life. Bicycle riding is a globally popular sport and an economic transportation. The performance
of frame is depends on the weight of the bicycle and frame design. Optimization of weight and structure of the bicycle frame is the best scope of
optimizing the overall performance of the bicycle. When the rider ridding bicycle on rough surface, the induced vibrations will cause the fatigue
of its rider and the fracture of its frame structure. This paper deals with the study of the structural design, modal analysis and optimization of
bicycle frame by using composite material with help of FEA. Firstly structural analysis, numerical results obtained by applying dynamic loading
condition. Secondly, the Modal analysis is used to identify modes of bicycle frame to calculate natural frequencies and mode shapes by using
Finite Element Analysis. Finally, the analyzed frames are then optimized to reduce weight without affecting their capacity to be resistant to
mechanical stresses.
The one of the way of transport that doesn't consume
any fuel, doesn't emit any pollution is a bicycle. It is a very
popular form of transport as people make use of it to move
from one destination to another whether it lie on map or not.
While driving a bicycle, it uses maximum muscles of the
body that provides a very good exercise, bicycling makes
the rider to reach aerobic heart rates that drive up
metabolism, and give a good workout and keep healthy.
Bicycle has proved its importance in various fields as it is a
popular form of recreation, and it is widely adapted as
children's toys, fitness, courier services, and bicycle racing. Figure.1: Bicycle frame and components
Changes in bicycle frame are motivated by the weight and
stiffness consideration and with the use of high performance The bicycle and the other single track vehicles are
engineering skills also it is influence by stability and characterized by the problem of stability, which is tightly
handling characteristics. The handling properties of a linked with safety: an unstable bicycle can be risky also for
bicycle are determined, by asking how safe it is to ride, also a well-trained rider running on a road with safe
how difficult it is to learn to ride on. The main strength of infrastructures. For this reason research in the field of
frame construction is correct designing of a frame which is bicycles dynamics, which started in the last years of 19th
the most important part that ensures safe riding. The century, has principally addressed to the problems of auto-
innovative ideas of the manufacturers and construction stabilization and rider control. The need for low weight
designers to minimize aerodynamic drag, to improve coupled with high strength and stiffness has lead to
comfort, minimising the mass of the frame, maximising continuing trail and development of high performance
lateral stiffness in the load transfer from the hands and feet material for racing bicycles [1]. Thus, in trial and error
to the drive, maximising the strength capabilities of the method is costly and slow, and intuition does not always
frame to allow for a higher load capacity or better load yield reliable results. The method used for modelling will be
distribution, and adjusting the vertical compliance of the described and theoretical predictions of frame stresses will
frame to tune the softness of the ride that means comfort and be compared with F.E.A result for some simple loading
safety ride. These are the reason of contribution in the cases. This design has been the industry standard for bicycle
development occurs in the design of bicycle frame and frame design for over one hundred years. The head tube of
consequently the need of analysis of bicycle structure come the frame holds the sheerer tube of the fork, which in turn
to rise. The bicycles are popular sports equipments or traffic holds the front wheel. The top tube and down tube connect
tools. The frame of the bicycle is the main structure to the head tube to the seat tube and bottom bracket. The seat
support the external loads [10]. tube holds the seat post, which holds the saddle. The bottom
bracket holds the cranks, which hold the pedals. The seat
stays and chain stays hold the rear dropouts, which connect
the rear wheel to the frame [4], [5].
IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 220 - 224
The safety framed road or bicycles, and wide range of displacement and 15% decrease in lateral displacement
specialist tools are now available to support bicycle when compared to the best of the analysed frames. Federico
development through analysis and iterative improvement. Giubilato, Nicola Petrone[3] A method for evaluating the
Performing Finite Element Analysis (FEA) on bicycle vibrational response of racing bicycles wheels under road
frames has become a common activity for bicycle designers roughness excitation The aim of the work was the
and engineers in the hope of improving the performance of development of a method for measuring and comparing the
frames [2]. The most common material for the tubes of a vibrational response of different racing rear wheels to the
bicycle frame has been steel. Steel frames can be very excitation caused by riding on irregular road surfaces. Sagar
inexpensive carbon steel to highly specialize using high Pardeshi [5] Design and Development of Effective Low
performance alloys. Frames can also be made from Weight Racing Bicycle Frame this paper deals with study of
aluminium alloys, titanium, carbon fibre, and even bamboo static and dynamic loads. Optimization of weight and
and cardboard. Occasionally, diamond shaped frames have structure by using static and dynamic FEA Analysis of the
been formed from sections other than tubes [5]. Higher frame gives better performance of the racing cycle.
vibrations perceived mean an increase of discomfort at arms,
legs and lumbar spine which affect the athletic performance III. RIDER BODY VIBRATION
of the cyclist. The entity of the vibration transmitted by the Every frame acts as a shock absorption system, the frame
bicycle while cruising on irregular road surfaces depends on is placed between (i) the rider (who is connected to the
geometry, mass, inertia and structural characteristics of its frame by the hands, feet and the seat) and (ii) the vibration
components among which the wheels play a main role [3], input of the road. Figure 2 shows a schematic of the frame
[9]. as a shock-absorption device, which consists of an elastic
Depending on the used material for the frame, one or element (spring) and a viscous element (damper).
other aspect can be fulfilled better. Dynamic behaviour
means how the frame reacts when it is subjected to forces
due to vibrations coming from the irregularities on the road
surface [8]. The behaviour of the frame is of big importance
for the perception on the comfort of the rider. Because, the
better vibrations coming from the road are absorbed by the
frame, the better the rider will perform. The physical
prototype will be to be tested to optimize the product [6].
Vibrations, which are not absorbed by the bicycle frame
must be absorbed by the rider and this causes fatigue of the
muscles and thus reduced performance. Nowadays various
types of bicycles models have been developed, to improve Figure 2: The frame as a shock-absorption device
the quality of results and the extend possibility of simulating
racing bicycles running at high speed [1], [7]. The vibration input comes from the imperfection of the
road surface. These imperfections are transmitted by the
spokes to the shaft of each wheel; the shafts are connected
with the frame so each vibration on the shaft is put directly
A. Doria, L.Taraborrelli [1] On the structural vibrations to the frame. A part of the vibration is already absorbed by
of bicycles: influence of materials and construction the tire, the rim and the spokes. These three parameters can
technology on the modal properties, In this paper the modal be adapted to minimize the vibration (or maximize the
analysis approach is used for identifying the out-of-plane comfort of the rider) due to the road roughness. However, a
modes of some bicycles with similar geometric properties: a lot of vibration is still present at the point where shaft and
utility bicycle with steel frame, a sport bicycle with Ergal frame are attached, so the vibration can now only be reduced
frame and two sport bicycles in carbon. Derek Covill, by adjusting the frame.
Steven Begg, Eddy Elton, Mark Milne, Richard Morris, Tim
Katz [2] Parametric finite element analysis of bicycle frame
geometries. This paper has outlined a FE model using beam
elements to represent a standard road bicycle frame. The
model simulates two standard loading conditions to
understand the vertical compliance and lateral stiffness
characteristics of 82 existing bicycle frames from the
bicycle geometry project and compares these characteristics
to an optimized solution in these conditions. Perhaps
unsurprisingly smaller frames (490mm seat tube) behave the
most favourable in terms of both vertical compliance and Figure 3: Forces transmitted to the frame
lateral stiffness, while the shorter top tube length (525mm)
Figure 3 depicts the forces which interact with the frame.
and larger head tube angle (74.5) results in a laterally stiffer
These can be classified in two categories ;( a) forces
frame which corresponds with findings from literature. The
generated by the irregularities; and (b) forces generated by
optimized values show a considerable improvement over the
best of the existing frames, with a 13% increase in vertical
IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 220 - 224
the movement of the cyclist which are applied to the
handlebar, saddle and pedals.
A general-purpose commercial finite element code,
HyperMesh and Ansys are applied to conduct the static
simulations. The FEA model of bicycle frame in this study
is constructed based on the geometry.
A. CAD Model Design
The CAD is developed using 3-D modelling software.
The cad geometry has basic requirements for Head tube, top Figure 5: Meshed model with tetrahedral element
tube, bottom tube, chain stays, seat stays, bottom bracket
shell and the two triangles commonly says diamond frame C. Material Selection
[5]. This is the model of the bicycle frame. A bicycle frame The aluminium alloy is chosen as the material for bicycle
is the main component of a bicycle, onto which wheels and frame due to its low density and compatible yield strength.
other components are fitted. The best suited material is the aluminium alloy. This
material is chosen for designing frame and comparing its
results with different materials as mild steel, EN8 etc. The
table 1 shows properties of material [11].
Figure 4: Bicycle frame CAD Model
To fully understand what is meant with vibration analysis,
some theory about modal analysis is necessary. Modal
B. Meshing analysis is a process whereby the structure is described in
Meshing for the model is done using the automated terms of its natural characteristics which are the frequency,
meshing refinement feature in Hyper Works can be seen in damping and mode shapes. These three are called the
Figure 5. A full 3-D solid model is constructed for the static dynamic properties from a structure. A CAD model of frame
test simulation. The schematic of an FEA model used in is available. The frame is made of the thin-walled tubes; FE
static test simulations is shown in figure. The cad model in analysis was carried out in ANSYS software. Modelling
IGES format is imported in Hyper Works for the preparation dimensions were in meters, and properties were given in
of FE model. Then geometry cleanup was done by using GPa Tetrahedral elements are used to generate the mesh on
options like geom. Clean up and defeature to modify the the frame. Then boundary conditions are applied. As the
geometry data and prepare it for meshing operation. This isotropic material aluminium alloy is used for the simulation.
process involves deletion of curvature of very small radius The modal analysis was selected and its types were input.
(less than 2mm) which has less structural significance. Then the solution was solved. The natural frequency is
Mixed type of elements which contains quadrilateral as well calculated when the simulation has finished, the mode
as triangular elements, have been used in the analysis. These shapes are made visible.
2D elements are converted into 3D tetra elements. The
sensitive regions have been re-meshed by manually
considering the shape and size of the parts. Quality check of
all the elements has been performed and mesh is accordingly
IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 220 - 224
IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 220 - 224
[4] M.V.Pazare,Stress Analysis of Bicycle Frame
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[5] Sagar Pardeshi, "Design and Development of Effective
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of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and
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[6] Alexandre Callens, Andre Bignonnet," Fatigue design of
Figure 14: FRF of Fifth Natural Frequency
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[7] C. Ferraresi, L. Garibaldi, D. Perocchio, B.A.D. Piombo"
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[8] Joachim Vanwalleghem" Study of the damping and
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[9] Andrew L. Hastert, Benjamin F. Barger, and Justin T.
Figure 15: FRF of Sixth Natural Frequency Wood" Finite Element Analysis of a Sandwich Composite
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[10] Bharati A. Tayade, " A Comparative Study On Structural
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Natural frequencies of bicycle frame by considering six Review" International Journal of Pure And Applied
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[11] C. Rontescu, T. D. Cicic, C. G. Amza, O. Chivu, D.
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% Error
Number (Hz) (Hz)
4 359.66 399 9
5 481 431 10
6 560 550 2
Welding is the method of choice for most manufacturers
to join frame tubes, as The FEM analysis of conventional
bicycle frame of different material is carried out. The
bicycle frame is optimised and FEM analysis of the frame
with different materials is performed. Different mode shapes
of the two frames are obtained and the comparison shows
the satisfactory results for the frame with aluminium alloy.
The optimised frame is fabricated and tested using FFT
analyser for different mode shapes. The result shows the
better convergence with the percentage error of
approximately 7%.
[1] A. Doria, L.Taraborrelli," On the structural vibrations of
bicycles: influence of materials and construction
technology on the modal properties "Proceedings,
International Cycling Safety Conference 2013.
[2] Derek Covill, Steven Begg, Eddy Elton, Mark Milne,
Richard Morris, Tim Katz," Parametric finite element
analysis of bicycle frame geometries", 1877-7058 2014
Elsevier Ltd. 72 ( 2014 ), pp441 446
[3] Federico Giubilato, Nicola Petrone," A method for
evaluating the vibrational response of racing bicycles
wheels under road roughness excitation", 1877-7058 2012
Published by Elsevier Ltd 34 ( 2012 ), pp 409 414.
IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @