Real Estate Practice
Real Estate Practice
Real Estate Practice
RA 9646
Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines
Passed to Senate: May 12, 2009
Approved and signed into Law: June 29, 2009
Took effect officially: July 30, 2009
Sec. 13 scope of examination
Sec. 14 qualification of applicants for
Sec.20 registration without examination
Sec. 26- Surety bond 20,000
Sec. 28 Exemptions from acts as practice
of Real Estate Service (own property, order
of court, SPA w/o remuneration, public
officers doing duty)
Sec. 36 CPE 45 units or 15 units per yr for
3 yrs
Sec. 39 Penalty; not less than 100,000 or
2 years imprisonment or both
RA 9225
Dual Citizenship Law
PD 957
The Subdivision and Condominium Buyers
Protective Decree
July 12, 1976
Sec. 17 registration of sale shall be done
by seller at RD
Sec 25 issuance of title: developer must
deliver the title 6 months from full payment
Sec. 30 organization of Homeowners
Association, done by owner or developer
Sec. 32 1 phase = 10 has = 1 yr
reglamentary period
Sec. 39 penalty violation: 20,000 or 10 yrs
RA 7160
Local Government Code of 1991
RA 8424
Tax Reform Act of 1997
Agrarian Reform
PD 27
Tenants Emancipation Decree (for rice and corn)
RA 3844
Code of Agrarian Reform
RA 6657
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (amending
RA 3844)
June 15. 1988
RA 9700
Act Extending CARP Law RA 6657
DAR Administrative Order No. 12
Guidelines on conversion of agricultural land to
RA 9189
The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003
Consulta Nos. 3543 and 3554
Issued by Benedictor Ulep of LRA stating that
waiver of foreign husband married to Filipina is no
longer required in the registration of sale
March 12, 2003
Land Reform
PD 1517
Urban Land Reform in the Philippines
June 11, 1978
RA 7279
Urban Development Housing Act: law that favors
the urban poor
March 24, 1992
PD 2016
Prohibiting the eviction of occupant of families from
lands identified and proclaimed as APDs or ULRZs
and exempting such land from payment of realty
January 23, 1996
Proclamation No. 1893
Declaring Metro Manila as ULRZ
September 11, 1979
Proclamation No. 1967
Declaring 244 APDs and ULRZs in Metro Manila
(currently 284 APDs and ULRZs)
Buyers Protection and Benefit
RA 6552
Maceda Law (Installment Buyers)
August 26, 1972
PD 947
Subdivision and Condominium Buyers Protective
July 12, 1976
PD 1216
Defining open space in residential subdivision
October 14, 1977
BP 220
An act authorizing the ministry of Human
Settlements (now HLURB) to establish and
promulgate different levels of standards for
economic and socialized housing
PD 1096
National Building Code
RA 7899
Amended Sec 4 and 16 of RA 4726 (HLURB
authorized to approve any amendment/revocation
of the master deed with consent with simple
majority) - 1995
RA 8763
Home Guaranty Corporation Act of 2000
RA 8974
Expropriation Law
EO 419 (1973) creation of Task Force on Human
Settlements under Development Academy of the
PD 933 (1976) TFHS was renamed into Human
Settlement Commission
PD 13396 (1978) HSC was renamed into Human
Settlements Regulatory Commission (HSRC), the
regulatory arm of the Ministry of Human
EO 648 (1981) HSRC assumed functions of NHA
on real estate management
EO 90 (1986) renamed as HLURB (Housing and
Land Use Regulatory Board) and National Shelter
Program, designed HLURB as the sole regulatory
body for housing and land development under
Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council (HUDCC)
Realty Investment
PD 471 May 24, 1974
Fixing a maximum period for the duration of lease
of private lands to aliens 25 years renewable
another 25 years
RA 7652
RA 1529
The Property Registration Decree
June 11, 1978
RA 6732
An act allowing admin reconstitution of original
copies of certificate of titles lost or destroyed due to
fire, food and other force majeure
June 8, 1989
Spanish Land titles
PD 892 discontinuance of the Spanish Mortgage
Law system of registration and of the use of
Spanish titles of land registration proceedings.
Spanish titles must be registered within 6 months or
up to August 16, 1976 or titles cannot be anymore
used as proof of ownership.
February 16, 1976
Tile No. 4136
Mariano San Pedro Estate
On Squatting
PD 772 Anti squatting Law
August 20, 1975
RA 7279
Urban Development Housing Act Law on
professional squatters and squatting syndicate
On rights of balikbayan or Natural-Born Filipino
BP 185
RA 8179
On Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate
Sec 1 of Rule 74: Revised Rules of Court
If the decedent of left no will and no debts,
the heirs are al of age, they may divide the
estate among themselves through a public
document (extra-judicial settlement of