Have Women A Sense of Humor
Have Women A Sense of Humor
Have Women A Sense of Humor
Bibliographic information presented in proper MLA format: WAGNER, KRISTEN ANDERSON. "Have Women A Sense Of Humor?" Comedy And Femininity In Early Twentieth-Century Film." Velvet Light Trap: A Critical Journal Of Film & Television 68 (2011): 35-46. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. 2. Information about the author: Kristen Anderson Wagner received her Ph.D. in critical studies from the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts 3. A summary of what the article is about: Have Women A Sense Of Humor? is an article that discusses how female involvement in comedy changed the perception that women are not able to create and comprehend humor. These allegations were made because it was believed women werent intelligent or aggressive enough for comedy, and were too emotional to handle the comedic scene, all characteristics that are linked with a perceived notion of femininity. The emergence of female comediennes challenges these views, and the perception of gender roles in comedy and domesticity. 4. Definitions for unfamiliar vocabulary encountered in the reading: Grotesques: very ugly or comically distorted figures, creatures, or images. Elephantine: of, resembling, or characteristic of an elephant or elephants, esp. in being large, clumsy, or awkward. Vaudeville: A type of entertainment popular chiefly in the US in the early 20th century, featuring a mixture of specialty acts such as burlesque comedy and song and dance. Ingnues: An innocent or unsophisticated young woman. Visceral: Characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect. Characterized by or dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthy; crude. Essentialism: A doctrine that certain traditional concepts, ideals, and skills are essential to society and should be taught methodically to all students, regardless of individual ability, need, etc. 5. A list of quotations you think might be useful in making your argument: a. Countless writers and critics have argued that femininity and a sense of humor are mutually exclusive and that women's "natural" inclination
toward emotion and sensitivity has left them incapable of possessing a qualityhumorthat many feel is dependent on "masculine" traits such as intellect and aggressiveness. Women, the argument goes, are far too refined and delicate to be funny. b. Because of the pervasive belief that comedy was inappropriate for women, female comics were much more liable than other performers to be seen as crossing social boundaries into unacceptable behavior and were open to criticism for performing certain types of comedy thought to be unladylike. c. Humor has, in fact, historically been understood as an effective means of social control as well as a way of commenting on and changing perceived flaws in society. Many theorists, especially those who write about women's humor, have noted this link between humor and cultural powerhumor can be an effective means of criticizing social structures and attempting to bring about change, a useful weapon for women and other repressed or oppressed groups. d. 6. An explanation of the significance of each quotation: a. Csafsa b. Fsa c. This quote is significant because it shows how female comediennes can utilize humor to change peoples perceptions on comedy and femininity. It demonstrates the importance of females embracing comedy, 7. N/a 8. An explanation of how you will use this reading to help answer the research questions you are pursuing: 9. An explanation of how this reading connects to one or more of the other sources you are using: 10. A list of any additional questions that this reading might raise for your project: a.