Torsion Bar Material
Torsion Bar Material
Torsion Bar Material
Model za predvianje zamornog vijeka trajanja torzijskih tapova podvrgnutih plastinom prednaprezanju ISSN 1330-3651 UDC/UDK 620.172/.176:669.14-272
Vinko Moilnik, Nenad Gubeljak, Joef Predan
Original scientific paper The torsion presetting of a spring-bar is a common technique for extending the elastic twist-angle and increasing torque, but it reduces fatigue lifetime. Spring-bars are used as shock absorbers in caterpillar machines. Spring-bars, made from high strength fine-grain steel, grade VCN, provide a high level of absorbed energy. Any slight change in the presetting procedure has a strong influence on fatigue-lifetime. Within the same loading range, springs can exhibit low-cyclic or high-cyclic fatigue behavior regarding different presetting levels. A model for fatigue-lifetime and shear-stress levels is proposed on the basis of performed tests. Considering prescribed fatigue tests, it is possible to optimize a spring bar's geometry, in order to survive the required number of cycles. Keywords: presetting, torsion, spring-bars, fatigue, lifetime, cyclic fatigue, torque, spring steel
Model za predvianje zamornog vijeka trajanja torzijskih tapova podvrgnutih plastinom prednaprezanju
Izvorni znanstveni lanak Prednaprezanje torzijskog tapa je uobiajena metoda za poveanje elastinog kuta uvijanja i zakretnog momenta, ali ono skrauje vijek trajanja do zamora. Opruge se koriste kao priguivai kod strojeva s gusjenicama. Opruge, napravljene od sitno zrnatog elika visoke vrstoe, klase VCN, omoguuju visoki nivo absorbirane energije. Svaka i najmanja promjena tijekom postupka prednaprezanja ima veliki utjecaj na vijek trajanja do zamora. Unutar istog optereenja, opruge mogu pokazati nisko ili visoko cikliko ponaanje na zamor u odnosu na razliite stupnjeve prednaprezanja. Na osnovi izvrenih ispitivanja predlae se model za vijek trajanja do zamora i nivoe sminog naprezanja. Uzimajui u obzir provedena ispitivanja na zamor, mogue je optimizirati geometriju torzijskog tapa kako bi izdrao eljeni broj ciklusa. Kljune rijei: prednaprezanje, uvijanje, torzijski tap, zamor, radni vijek, cikliki zamor, zakretni moment, elik za opruge
1 Introduction The qualities of springs play a significant role in regard to their fatigue-lifetimes in the cases of low and high-cyclic fatigue. Round spring-bars are commonly used as springs for vehicles and caterpillar machines. A spring's quality depends on its material microstructure, and the thermomechanical treatment of the springs during the manufacturing process. The final cold-rolling defines the final shape and surface-roughness of a spring. The process of cold-rolling reduces any stress concentration caused by surface-roughness. It is well-known that it is possible to achieve a higher suspension angle by presetting the spring [1, 7]. Compressive residual stress caused by presetting appears at the outer boundary of the spring's body. It is accepted that the extension of a torsion spring's lifetime is achieved by cold-rolling its surface. Surface defect can cause additional stress concentration, and a reduction of lifetime. Properly performed presetting of the torsion barspring usually leads to a higher elastic twist-angle, in contrast to a spring bar without presetting [1, 6, 7]. In order to enlarge the angle of elasticity, the springs are torsiondeformed into a plastic during the manufacturing process. The preferred method is the elastic-plastic presetting of the bar. The bar is twisted within the plastic shear-zone over a specified angle, unloaded, and twisted at least twice to the same twist-angle. The measurement for plastic presetting is the angle size over the yield's shear-angle. Presetting causes plastic shear-strain at the outer boundary of the spring bar, meanwhile only the material in the middle of the bar remains elastically-deformed. It causes compressed residual stress at the outer boundary of the spring bar. This paper aims to analyse the effects of different presetting twist-angles on fatigue lifetime, under differently applied strains.
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2 Material and specimens Torsion-bar specimens were made from high-strength spring fine-grain steel, grade VCN [5]. The chemical composition is listed in Table 1 as a weight %. The used spring's material was rolled, forged, and soft- annealed during the manufacturing process. Specimens were made according to the same technological procedure as regular spring production. The final shape and spring properties were achieved by the following mechanical process: programmed turning, milling, and polishing of the spring's body to a roughness of Ra 0,2 m. The geometry of a specimen is shown in Fig. 2, diameter d = 10 mm and a torsion-relevant length of l = 250 mm. Fig. 1 shows the theoretical relationship between the shear-strain and twistangles, by considering the diameter and length of the spring bar.
Figure 1 Twist angle and shear strain at the torsion bar (R = d/2 = 5 mm)
Model for fatigue lifetime prediction of torsion bars subjected to plastic presetting
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Figure 2 Specimen of torsion bar spring Table 1 Chemical composition and mechanical properties of spring steel
3 Torsion presetting of bar springs Fig. 3 shows an experimentally-obtained shear stressstrain curve [2, 22]. As shown in Fig. 3, this is characterized by a shear stress-strain diagram for which the material undergoes an increasing amount of shear-strain when the shear-stress in the material reaches the yield point e. Thus, as the applied torque increases in magnitude above the yield point, it will begin to cause plastic strain. Firstly at the outer boundary of the bar and then, as the maximum shear strain increases, to the yielding boundary and progressively inwards towards the bar's centre, (Fig. 4a). In regard to different preset-twist angles, the magnitude of stress is different, as shown in Fig. 4b) for angles of twist 37, 45 and 57, respectively. The result of presetting torsion bar springs within a plastic region is an extension of the elastic torsion angle by 25 %. Robustness is required for vehicles when off-road because impacted hits and shocks to tyres can appear, e.g. Land Rovers, Caterpillar vehicles. When the bar-spring is subjected to torsion above the yield- point, compressed residual stress appears at the outer boundary, it is thus in balance with the elastic torsion-stress in the middle of the cross-section.
regarding m, as shown in Fig. 3. It is well-known that the shear-strain distribution over a radial line on a shaft is based on geometric consideration, and always remains linear. The shear-stress distribution, however, depends on the applied torque and must, therefore, be determined from the materials behaviour using a stress-strain diagram, Fig. 3. Plastic torque reversal causes an elastic shear-strain through the bar. The new elastic shear limit is higher and it is possible to calculate stress-distribution over a spring's cross-section by the use of super positioning between residual stresses and applied stress-distribution [1, 7]. The compressed residual stresses at the outer boundary of the specimen contribute to a reduction in maximal shear-stress testing during torsion testing. Therefore, the shear-stress peak shifts from the outer boundary towards the bar's centre, as shown in Fig. 4a). The force-produced stress is dF = dA = rdr. The stress distribution through the cross-section is given as a balance, using preset torque Tps:
Tps = r dF = 2 p t r 2 dr ,
0 0 R R
r is the polar radius where r = 0 in the centre of the bar's cross-section, and the maximum radius R = d/2 is at the outer boundary. is the shear-stress magnitude depending on the position on the cross-section. Distribution of the shear-stress (r) within the elastic loading regime is proportional to the torque:
t (r ) =
4 TY r p R4
where TY is the torque at shear-yielding. In the case of elastic-plastic loading, shear-stress distribution (r) depends on the twist-angle , and the torque T():
t (r , ) =
r p R4
dT + 3 T , d
The maximum preset strain m is limited by the ultimate shear strength m of the material. For safety reasons, the maximum allowed preset strain should be lower than m at a safety factor of SF, usually 5 % of the corresponding torque
where T is the current torque, and twist-angle is given in radians. Shear-stress distribution during a presetting process and consequently residual stress-distribution, is shown in Fig. 4 for preset angle ps=103. Fig. 4a shows the
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V. Moilnik et al.
Model za predvianje zamornog vijeka trajanja torzijskih tapova podvrgnutih plastinom prednaprezanju
presetting, and fatigue testing. Fatigue-tests were performed under a constant twistangle t and loading ratio R=Tmin/Tmax= 0. A fatigue testing matrix was established for four differently preset twistangles within preset twist-angle ps (37, 47, 67, and 103), and four fatigue twist-angles t (30, 37, 45, and 53). The selected preset twist-angles ps corresponded to the presetting-strain ps during the manufacturing of torsion spring-bars for military vehicles [7]. The fatigue test twistangles t (at the testing machine) are defined as corresponding values of applied shear-strain t for vehicles. Different amounts of residual stress in the outer bounds of specimens should be obtained for differently preset elasticplastic twist-angles. In order to avoid additional plastic shear strain, the angle of twist during fatigue-testing should be lower than the presetting angle (t < ps), by 5 at least. The testing matrix in Tab. 2 was created by considering the above-mentioned approach. The specimens in the upper-left area of Tab. 2 were not tested because their torsion loadings were higher than the new elastic angles after presetting the specimens. The no-presetting specimens can be subjected to twist-angle below e. Note that the twist-angle is only =30,59 (or 0,534 rad) at shear-strain e= 0,01068 rad.
Figure 4 Shear stress distribution over a radial line of the spring bar obtained by analytical calculation [1, 7]: a) Stress distribution at presetting, and residual stress distributions after presetting; b) Final stress distribution obtained by super positioning of the tested and residual stress at three different twist angles
torsion-stress distribution during the presetting procedure. The residual stress-curve shows stress distribution after the presetting procedure, with a maximum compressed residual stress of 300 MPa at the outer boundary of the spring. The three curves, Fig. 4b show the results of super-positioning when testing linear-distributed torsion stress, in regard to the testing twist-angles t=57, 45 and 37, respectively. 4 Experimental results 4.1 Fatigue testing of torsion bars Preset torsion-bars were tested on a mechanical testing device, as shown in Figs. 5a and 5b. The twist-angle was adjusted by an eccentric crank on the testing device. The torque was measured by a commercial torque-cell (produced by HBM) with the following characteristics: nominal torque Tnom= 500 Nm, limit torque 150 % Tnom, ultimate torque >300 % Tnom, accuracy class 0,2 %, bridge supply 10 V and bridge-resistance 350 . Data acquisition and analysis was done using Catman HBM software. The same testing machine was also used for elastic-plastic
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Figure 5 Device for the torsion testing of specimens: a) Schematic view and b) Photo of fixed specimen on eccentric crank machine
Model for fatigue lifetime prediction of torsion bars subjected to plastic presetting Table 2 Fatigue testing results for torsion bar springs subjected to a constant twist angle t
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The tests' stopping criteria were either a torque's amplitude dropping by more than 10 %, or specimen failure, or a specimen-survival of more than five million cycles, whichever occurred first. The results are listed in Tab. 2. In those cases where the torsion-loading was much lower than the new elastic-angle, the specimens easily survived more than five million cycles, e.g. specimen preset at twist angle ps= 47, and fatigued at a twist-angle of t = 30 failed after 9,524,990 cycles. Tests for specimens without failure or testing-torque are dropped by more than 10 % are marked by asterisks in Tab. 2. The presettings required for the testedtorques must always be in the direction of the preset-torque, and should never be reversed. Tab. 2 shows the test results, the number of fatigue cycles until fracture, depending on the presetting and testing angle. ps Preset angle, t Testing amplitude angle, e New elastic angle after presetting,
* Testing sample with no fracture, ( ) Testing sample with spiral fracture. Tab. 2 shows that during testing at a twist-angle t = 45, the number of cycles until failure significantly decreases as the preset twist angle ps is increased from 67 to 103. In the same Tab. 2, it can be recognized that the testing twist-angle t = 37, and the number of cycles until failure, significantly increases as the preset twist-angle ps is increased from 67 to 103. Therefore, it can be concluded that a longer fatigue lifetime is obtained when the difference between the preset twist-angle ps and the maximum fatigue twist-angle t is higher. On the basis of these experimentally-obtained results, it is possible to plot a preset twist-angle-lifetime diagram as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 shows the range of fatigue testing results from the minimum to the maximum number of cycles. The ordinate shows the preset angle ps, and the abscissa the number of cycles where the specimens failed, or the torque-drop was
Figure 6 Average fatigue lifetime of round spring-bars under torsion vs. preset and tested amplitude angles 540 Technical Gazette 18, 4(2011), 537-546
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Model za predvianje zamornog vijeka trajanja torzijskih tapova podvrgnutih plastinom prednaprezanju
more than 10 %, or the specimens survived more than 5,000,000 cycles without a failure (marked as no fracture). The tested torsion-amplitude angle at any single point on the diagram is seen in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the average lifetime of a torsion bar-spring at lower torsion-loading increases at the same preset angle. The square symbol indicates those specimens with spiral fractures. In Tab. 2, these are shown inside the brackets, whilst the arrows in Fig. 6 indicate the specimens with no fractures. The duration of the testing process was very long, because the large testingamplitude angle, and consequently, a lower number of specimens were tested. 4.2 Proposed model for fatigue lifetime Despite a relatively small number of tested specimens, a model is proposed for fatigue-lifetime predictions regard preset twist-angle ps and fatigue- twist angle t. In order to ensure a more general approach, both twist-angles were defined in terms of preset shear-strain ps and fatigue applied shear-strain t. However, the proposed model is based on experimentally obtained results (see Tab. 2) and the used material (see Tab. 1) hence the approach used is more important than the obtained values of the model's parameters. Fig. 7 shows the average number of cycles until the failure of the specimen. It is obvious that specimens subjected to lower torsion-stress amplitude achieve a higher number of cycles until fracture. It is possible to achieve a higher amplitude of testing torsion-stress if the applied shear strain is higher. Since the applied shear-strain t is limited by the preset shear-strain ps, the range of applied loading angle can be distinguished in a diagram, as shown in Fig. 7. Actually, the obtained results are given as a Whler's curve, as fatigue lifetime for the specified preset strain vs. maximum testing of shear-stress. Each line corresponds to one preset shear-strain ps = 0,0164, ps= 0,0233 and ps = 0,0359, respectively. Since Whler's diagram is in logarithmic form (Fig. 7), shear stress can be approximated according to the power-law equation:
Figure 7 Fatigue lifetime vs. testing maximum torsion stress at different preset strains Table 3 Values of coefficient A0 and exponent m
seems that exponent approximation is possible. Exponent m is also possible for expressing as a function of preset shearstrain ps, for the obtained three points. Since all points lie on the same line, it is reasonable to use only linear interpolation for m vs. preset elastic-plastic strain ps. Both interpolations are limited by elastic-strain ps = 0,01046 (on the left-side) and experimentally-obtained maximum shear-strain ps = 0,043 (on the right-side). Therefore, both values (A0 and m) are dimensionless and prescribed only within the plastic shear-strain range. In the diagrams (Figs. 8 and 9) the coefficient A0 and exponent m are approximated with the analytical functions marked in the diagrams. If for Eq. (4), you find a logarithm, and consider A0 and m as a function of ps, the number of cycles to failure can be expressed as a function of preset shear-strain ps and an amplitude of torsion-stress t, as follows:
t t = A0 N m f ,
where: A0 Coefficient of the power law equation, m Exponent of the power law equation, t Amplitude testing torsion stress, MPa, Nf Average lifetime until fracture.
ln t t = ln A0 (g ps ) + m(g ps ) ln N f ,
ln N f = ln A0 (g ps ) - ln t t - m(g ps )
-82 ,019 g ps
A0 (g ps ) = 69.686 e
(7) (8)
Approximated values for the amplitude-testing of torsion-stress t vs. number of cycles to failure Nf, are shown in the legend of Fig. 7, and listed in Tab. 3. It is obvious that each preset shear-strain ps gives different values. Coefficient A0 and exponent m of the power-law equation from Fig. 7 are listed in Tab. 3 as a function of preset strain, and are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The values in Table 3 are plotted and interpolated by the power-law in Fig. 8. Functional dependence between coefficient A0 and preset-strain ps, can be given by an interpolation function between these three points. Note that this is only a proposed model. For a more accurate model and prediction it would be necessary to perform more tests with different preset elastic-plastic strains. However, it
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It is possible to predict the lifetime Nf of a torsion bar spring by using the proposed model, as expressed in equations (4), (6), (7) and (8), as a function of the applied amplitude shear stress t, (load ratio R = 0) , and the preset shear-strain ps. It is possible to express shear-stress t, by using amplitude or the testing shear-strain t as elastic, according to the Hooke's law
gt =
tt . G
Model for fatigue lifetime prediction of torsion bars subjected to plastic presetting
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ps=0,043, and on the basis of calculations by the model. Fig. 11 shows a ground-plan projection of the preset torsionbar spring's usage area and testing stress, respectively (HCF - High Cyclic Fatigue). The hatched area in Fig. 11 represents the ground-plane projection of the 3-D surface of Fig. 10, limited by curves gmax and gmin. The so-called area of cyclical strength is limited by curves gmin and gmax. Under line gmin there is a range of very high-cyclical-fatigue (VHCF), where specimens have survived more than five million loading cycles. A range of low cyclical-fatigue (LCF) can be found over the curve gmax, because the cyclical plastic-strain should be taken into account. In fact the curve gmax presents the elastic limit-curve of the preset torsion barspring.Above gmax is a plastic strain-boundary.
Figure 11 The regions of low, high and very high cyclic fatigue
Figure 10 Fatigue lifetime of a torsion bar spring depending on the preset strain and amplitude testing strain, obtained on the basis of the model
The preset shear-strain and tested shear-strain of the torsion-bar spring should be inside the indicated area in Fig. 11. The indicated area over the preset-strain ps= 0,0359 is used very rarely in practice, because the spring-bar survives over very few fatigue cycles. The tested loading range t= 0,014 below the preset yield-point, actually has no effect on a lifetime of under five million loading cycles; it is a very high cyclical-fatigue area-VHCF. It should be noted, that the practical use of torsion-spring bars is for torsionloadings of more than t= 0,014, regarding the indicated area in Fig. 11. In this case, it is necessary to establish a model for predicting the fatigue-lifetime of torsion springbars. Customers (vehicle producers) require a minimum 5 lifetime of around 10 loading cycles for a prescribed torsion-loading. Since the obtained results cover a range of 4 6 6,610 to 510 loading cycles, it is possible to apply the obtained results for a proposed model when predicting fatigue-lifetime is necessary. The calculated average number of cycles Nfcal is listed in Tab. 4 for each preset and applied strain. The differences between the predicted number of cycles and the experimentally- obtained numbers to failure Nftest is within the range of 11,3 %. It corresponds to the usual scatter of experimentallyobtained results. Note that Nftest is an average of the experimental results. However, it is possible to improve the model by performing more fatigue tests and statistical analyses of the results. A star in the field means that a fracture of the bar spring did not occur. 5 An optimization for the spring-bar's design A torsion spring-bar (Fig. 12 - photo) is used for the suspension of impact and shocks during the driving of vehicles off-road. The spring-bar is fixed by a notched- end
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Varying of the preset-strain and the amplitude of the testing-strain vs. the number of cycles to failure can be shown as a 3-D diagram, see Fig. 10. The average values for the number of cycles before failure lie on the space- surface of the 3-D diagram. The 3-D diagram of Fig. 10, has been created on the basis of bar-spring specimen testing until
V. Moilnik et al.
Model za predvianje zamornog vijeka trajanja torzijskih tapova podvrgnutih plastinom prednaprezanju Table 4 Calculated lifetime of bar springs in comparison with the measured ones
in the vehicle's corpus on one side, and a guide-by bearing on the other side (as free rotation), as shown in Fig. 13. The crank arm of the wheel is at the radial free- end of the springbar. The twist-angle of the spring-bar is limited by the angle of the crank-arm as shown in Fig. 14. Usually, the boundary conditions are considering by using the: ! geometrical maximum diameter at the end D and torsion active diameter d, ! maximum length l of the spring-bar, ! loading as a minimum amplitude of torque T and minimum applied twist-angle (in terms of testing strain t), ! optimum spring constant c, ! minimum fatigue lifetime over the number of cycles Nf. Note that the ratio between the diameter at the end of spring D and the diameter of bar d should be high enough, in order to reduce stress concentration within the area of the radius! Other parameters for spring-design and optimization at preset strain ps, are given in Tab. 5, such as the material properties of the material (shear modulus G), springconstant c, and the spring-mass. Fig. 15 shows a plastic part
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from Fig. 11, limited by curves gmax and gmin. Fig. 15 shows the relationship between the testing-strain t and presetstrain ps, which is almost linear for a constant number of fatigue cycles Nf, by using the proposed model in Eq. (4), where A0 and m are the coefficients given by Eqs. (7) and (8)! Let us calculate three curves for the assumed constant 5 5 5 lifetimes Nf =10 , 310 , and 610 fatigue loading cycles, by considering the preset strains ps=2 %, 3 %, and 3,8 % . We only consider the lines inside the High Cycles FatigueHCF region, between gmax and gmin. Since the minimum applied strain t = 1,7 % is prescribed, we are looking for an area above this horizontal line. Theoretically, any intersection points between the upper-limit and constant numbers of cycles, can be used, within the hatched area in Fig. 15, as appropriate value but, due to uncertainty, it is better to shift below the upper-limit curve gmax e.g. to points C and D. Therefore, any points in the optimum zone meet the given requirements. In regard to any reduction in stress concentration at the end of the spring, it is better to reduce diameter d of the round-section at the active part of the spring (point D), than looking for a higher number of cycles (point C). The spring-bar's diameter in point D is smaller, but since the spring-constant c must remain the same, the spring-bar's length can be reduced. Consequently, it is desirable to reduce the weight of the spring-bar. However, if the customer does not require any geometrical change and primarily needs the longest fatigue lifetime possible, in this case point C is optimum! In a case where the amplitude of testing strain t =1,7 % is fixed (also the twist-angle) thus increasing the preset strain e.g. ps = 3,3 % (in point A) and ps= 3,9 % (in point B) causes a decreasing of fatigue-lifetime. As discussed, the established model provides the possibility for optimizing spring-design in terms of the size
Model for fatigue lifetime prediction of torsion bars subjected to plastic presetting Table 5 Optimization of a torsion spring bar (Figure 15)
V. Moilnik et al.
Figure 15 Determination of optimum zone in respect to requirements and experimentally obtained fatigue behavior after elastic-plastic presetting
(e.g. weight) of the spring and/or the fatigue-lifetime of the spring. 6 Conclusions A spring made as a torsion-bar exhibits different fatigue behavior in regard to different elastic-plastic preset torques. The aim of this paper was an analysis of different effect, when presetting a twist-angle regarding fatigue lifetime under differently applied strains. Presetting causes plastic shear-strain at the outer boundary of the spring-bar, meanwhile the material in the middle of bar remains elastically-deformed. Since the outer part remains plastically-deformed, the spring bar cannot restore itself to
the start position, and the inner- part of the section remains elastically loaded. It causes compressed residual stress at the outer boundary of the spring-bar. It is possible to increase the twist angle by increasing the elastic-plastic presetting of the torsion-bar, but this causes a reduction in fatigue lifetime. The experimentally obtained results show that fatigue-lifetime strongly depends on the ratio between the loading at presetting and the fatigue-loading range. In spite of a relatively small number of tested specimens, a model has been proposed for fatigue lifetime and shearstress level. The established model provides the possibility for optimizing a spring-design in terms of the size (e.g. weight) of the spring. Optimum zone boundaries are determined by the fatigue-behavior of the tested specimens, the material properties, and the customer's requirements.
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Model za predvianje zamornog vijeka trajanja torzijskih tapova podvrgnutih plastinom prednaprezanju
Since the optimum zone is within a range of acceptable solutions, the main target of optimization can be: a) a reduction in stress concentration at the end of the spring by reducing the diameter and twist-length of the spring, which leads to a reduction in the spring-bar's weight, or b) the highest number of fatigue cycles under the required twist-angle, proportional to the fatigue shear-strain. 7 Used symbols A0 Coefficient of the power law equation, d Spring diameter, mm E Modulus of elasticity, MPa G Shear modulus, MPa gmin Lower limit functions, gmax Upper limit function, l Spring length, mm m Exponent of power law equation, T Amplitude torque, Nm Tps Preset torque, Nm TY = Te Elastic limit torque, Nm Tmin Minimum torque, Nm Tmax Maximum torque, Nm Tm Ultimate torque, Nm Nf Lifetime until fracture, cycles R Spring radius, mm; Loading ratio, Ra Surface roughness, m Rp0,2 Yield strength (Y), MPa Rm Ultimate tensile strength (UTS), MPa SF Safety factor, Torsion stress, MPa e Torsion elastic limit (Y), MPa t Testing amplitude torsion stress, MPa m Torsion strength, MPa Torsion strain, rad, % t Torsion testing amplitude strain, rad, % ps Preset strain, rad, % m Strain at torsion strength, rad, % Twist angle, t Testing amplitude angle, ps Preset angle, e New elastic angle after presetting, . 8 Abbreviations HCF HRc LCF UTS VHCF High cyclical fatigue Rockwell hardness Low cyclical fatigue Ultimate tensile strength Very high cyclical fatigue.
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Model for fatigue lifetime prediction of torsion bars subjected to plastic presetting Authors' addresses Dr. Vinko Moilnik ERD d.o.o., Engineering, Design & Development rnee 186, 2370 Dravograd, Slovenia Tel.: +386-31-331-664 E-mail: [email protected] Prof. dr. Nenad Gubeljak University of Maribor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Smetanova ul. 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Tel.: +386-31-659-279, +386-2-220-7662 E-mail: [email protected] Doc. dr. Joef Predan University of Maribor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Smetanova ul. 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Tel.: +386-31-659-279, +386-2-220-7662 E-mail: [email protected]
V. Moilnik et al.