Design - Report (PDR)
Design - Report (PDR)
Design - Report (PDR)
SAE 2011
Submitted by:
Tarun Kumar Chitkara
Team Leader
Team UPES Formula Racing
Email ID : [email protected]
Preliminary Design Report
Abhishek Dixit
Siddhant Gupta
Team Vice-Captian
The objective of this project is to design, simulate and 5. PVC Prototype of roll-cage
finally fabricating a formula style racing vehicle.
6. Ergonomics analysis
The vehicle should be aerodynamically designed,
economic, safe and single seat high performance 7. Revision of CAD Model after ergonomic analysis
vehicle intended for sale to the nonprofessional
weekend racing enthusiasts. 8. Simulation of component assemblies and sub-
assemblies before fabrication.
Ergonomics will be an integral part of our design
strategy and anthropometric data has been used. 9. Chassis Fabrication & Suspension Systems
Special focus will be put on human comfort, the ease of Assembly
mass production of the vehicle and almost all the vehicle
subsystems will be designed and fabricated by the team 10. Steering & Braking Systems Assembly
11. Engine and Transmission Mounting
The vehicle will be fabricated meticulously by the team,
using state-of-the-art facilities, comprehensively 12. Final Integration, testing & optimization.
satisfying both the design goals and manufacturing
constraints. Other major parameters (stated in the rulebook) which
were considered while designing the Supra SAE
vehicle were:
The Supra SAE car is to be designed and fabricated • The wheelbase should not be less than
considering the fact that the vehicle should be 1524mm.
completely safe for the driver in case of collisions from
any side and should be stable enough to avoid toppling • Front roll hoop should be no lower than top of
in case of steep cornering. It should also be steering wheel at any angle.
aerodynamically correct for better maneuverability and
road adherence even at the highest achievable speed of • A straight line drawn from the top of the main
the vehicle. hoop to the top of the front hoop must clear by
50.8 mm the helmet of all team’s drivers.
Thereby, the over-all vehicle development methodology
that is and that will be followed by our team is stated • The smaller track of the vehicle must be no less
below: than 75% of the larger track.
1. Design Considerations The team has thus utilized the basic learned concepts of
designing while considering worst case situations for
2. Task Assignment designing various sub-systems of the vehicle.
3. CAD Modelling
With a limited amount of power, the focus is primarily on Anthropometric data was considered for the 95th
the power to weight ratio of the vehicle. With then engine percentile male driver. Data like full functional length of
limitation, the only means to improve this critical arm, leg etc, height, buttock to knee length etc
parameter is to reduce the overall vehicle weight were taken. Angles b/w knees and legs, torso etc were
compromising the overall safety parameters of the taken while taking ergonomic seating data into account.
vehicle. The function of the space frame is to protect the To be doubly sure of the design constraints acc to the
driver and support front and rear suspension systems, rule book and ergonomics data, we also used a 3D
engine, drive train, steering system and other systems in mannequin of a 6 feet human, 95th percentile male.
the vehicle. The objective of the frame design was to
satisfy these functions while meeting the SAE
regulations with special considerations given to safety of Mannequins or Digital Human models/virtual models
the occupants, ease of manufacturing, cost, quality, were created based on anthropometry of the drivers to
weight, and aesthetics. Moreover care has been taken to be used for visualization, simulations as well as to aid in
ensure that there are minimum welds on the frame pipes modeling the occupant seat. Good human formula
and maximum bends ensuring better strength and less racing vehicle interface design ensures that the vehicle
cost of production of the vehicle. cockpit will ensure ease of operation like a conventional
The rules define the cage to be made with materials Measurements are such taken that when seated, the
equivalent to the following specification: angle between the fore-arms and upper arms of the
Steel members with at least equal bending stiffness and driver subdues an angle of 120 degrees, while on the
bending strength to 1018 steel or ASTM A106 Grade B steering as this is the most comfortable position for
& steering-human interface.
Tube Grade having a circular cross section with a 2.54
(1.5 inch) OD and a wall thickness of 3 mm (0.118 inch )
with Chemical Properties: C=0.28 – 0.33;Mn= 0.40 - .60;
Si= 0.15 – 0.30; S= 0.04 max.; P=0.35 max.;
Cr= 0.80-1.10.; Mo= 0.15-0.25.
Frame was designed and analyzed using Catia & Solid Front Impact
Works 2007 software. While designing, there are a few
important loading situations that should be analyzed. It was assumed that worst case collision would be seen
These include frontal impact, side impact, rear impact when the vehicle runs into a stationary object. To
and rollover impact. Special focus was put on properly model the impact force the deceleration of the
ergonomics of the drivers, keeping in mind the safety vehicle after impact needs to be found. The research
and comfort. The vehicle has been designed for the 5th found that the human body will pass out at loads much
percentile female to the 95th percentile male thus higher than 9 times the force of gravity or 9 G’s. A value
accommodating the 90% population. of 20 G’s was set as the goal point for an extreme worst
case collision. Loads are only applied at one end of the
Approximate vehicle weight is 350 kg. After considering chassis because application of forces at one end while
1.4 as factor of safety (FOS), design weight was taken constraining at the other result in a more conservative
as 490 Kg. Since the Yield strength of material used is approach because there would be increased bending
360.6 MPa and as per the analysis the maximum stress loads due to larger unsupported loaded lengths.
that the frame could bear came out to be 47.9 MPa.
Therefore calculating the factor of safety as per the Considering worst case collision, the vehicle collides to a
stress: stationary wall at acceleration 20G’s (Mostly achieved by
360.9 MPa / 47.9 MPa = 7.528, (FOS is greater than 5
as per the rule book) From the impulse equation
F. dt = change in momentum
Frame weight < 72kg F. dt = m. dv
material: AISI 4130, round tubes used F = m. dv/dt
max width of roll cage : 850mm F = m.a
max length of the roll cage : 2820mm F = m*20*g = mg *20 = total weight * 20
max height of the roll cage: 1100 mm F = 14000N
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS This force is applied at the two front most corners of the
roll cage, while restraining from the back side.
SELF WEIGHT OF ROLL CAGE: 72 kg Maximum Stress obtained from FEA analysis was less
than the yield strength of the material, so the vehicle is
OTHER WEIGHTS ON ROLL CAGE: safe for front collision.
Engine: 80 Kg
Transmission : 30 Kg
Driver: 70 Kg
Other weights : 98 Kg
The wheel balancing equation was formulated and the Comparing the values of the applied & required braking
required forces were calculated to have maximum force it is observed that F exceeds Ft by 13000N. Thus
braking force and ensure maximum safety to the driver we can lock the wheels by applying the brakes at any
as well as to other driver, whenever brake is applied the achievable speed of the vehicle.
vehicle weight and kinetic energy acts from the centre of
gravity of vehicle this causes the vehicle to pitch forward STEERING SYSTEM
as the brakes are applied so some weight of the vehicle
is transferred from the rear to front wheels, so the A rack and pinion steering system will be used over a
maximum transfer of weight amounts to recirculating-ball system because of low cost, light
weight and simplicity in design. We will use the standard
Wt= (μh) W/b steering system of a Maruti 800. Human factor will also
be taken in positioning the steering system-seating
Now on calculating the weight transferred is calculated interface. The height of the seat will be so adjusted to
to be around 3-4% of the weight transfer. Thus the keep the angle between the arms and the fore-arms,
overall increase weight on acceleration and deceleration when holding the steering wheel, at about 120 degree,
are also considered. i.e. the most comfortable angle between the arms and
the foe-arms. The steering geometry is in accordance
with Ackerman steering System.
The complete drive train, that is the engine and The team’s goal is to design and fabricate an Ecological
transmission is sponsored by the SAE-INDIA. Thus, our Recreational Vehicle that met the world standards for
design is according to the specifications provided by the quality, safety, durability and manoeuvrability as well as
organizers. The details of the engine and transmission provide features that would have mass market appeal to
are : the general off road enthusiast.
Design decisions were made with keeping ease of mass
Engine Specifications production, ergonomics and simplicity of design in mind.
The usage of finite element analysis was invaluable to
the design and analysis of the various sub assemblies of
vehicle. The analysis thus allowed optimizing the weight
and strength of the various sub assemblies of the
vehicle. The analysis also helped in arriving at final
structure from base model by adding and deleting
members from various subassemblies to get best
possible configuration to help the vehicle withstand
various “Real World Racing Track Conditions”.
The ability to simulate human machine interaction in the
early stages of the design process, before monetary
expenditures on prototypes helped in further optimizing
the vehicle according to the needs.
Keeping the serviceability of the engine in mind the 1. Tarun Kumar Chitkara - Team Captain
supporting frame members for the main roll hoop had [email protected]
been bolted to the frame in accordance with the rule
book. So whenever needed those members could be 2. Dr. Mukesh Saxena – Faculty Advisor
removed and the engine could be easily made available [email protected]
for servicing.