Learning Contract
Learning Contract
Learning Contract
Practicum Goal: To work with the vulnerable population of veterans; learning new ways to interact, serve, and treat the veterans not only on a physical level, but in a holistic view. To bring back new
knowledge learned to my work with the veterans in an inpatient setting.
Learning Objectives
Learning Resources/Strategies
Evidence of Accomplishments
(To be filled in by end of Semester)
(To be filled in by end of
Spoke in depth with all the staff members about the population
at hand, and their experiences with working with them.
Spoke with the patients in depth about their experiences with
having been in the service and any problems they have had
since being out. Spoke with patients about their experience
with working with case management and social work in the
past, and whether they believed they got any benefit from
that. Spoke with family members of patients who expressed
their frustrations and concerns about problems with care that
their family members have received; i.e. problems with
receiving benefits, problems not getting patients into
outpatient rehab for alcohol abuse and PTSD, lack of
support for PTSD, and lack of assistance with housing.
Spoke with social work about resources available to patients
for housing/rehab/counseling.