Feasibility Proposal

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To: Julie Bach

From: Qingjing Xu
Date: March 16, 2015
Subject: Online tutoring system feasibility study
This memo serves as a request to perform a study to determine whether it is feasible for
the Hamline University to conduct online tutoring services for students who need extra
help for any subjects. After approval has been received, I will conduct the research and
produce a feasibility report for submission no later than April 26, 2015.
Despite the growing acceptance of online tutoring services in many colleges, Hamline
University does not recognize that online tutoring offers more benefits than the face-toface tutoring services. Even though Hamline University provides free tutoring program
and writing center services to students who feel underprepared for certain courses, they
set up in-person appointments in order to make sure each student can get help. Due to the
fact that most tutors are current students at Hamline University, tutoring outside school
hours becomes a hassle and inconvenient for both tutors and students who have tight
schedules. Even though students are able to meet with tutors during the tutoring hours,
there could already be more than five students waiting for help. Therefore, each student
has to share the tutoring hours with others, and may not able to solve their problems
within the limited time. According to my preliminary research on this topic, I have
learned that there is a growing trend at universities to accept the online tutoring system,
or to expand their writing centers online. Mark Chediak said that: as more students
become accustomed to technology, the competition for online tutoring services is likely
to heat up (Chediak, 2005).
I propose to research 1) the elements of online tutoring services; 2) the opinions of
students, writing centers faculty, and tutors toward this new systems; 3) the benefits of
conducting online tutoring services; 4) the process and cost of conducting online tutoring
at Hamline University, and; 5) other universities that already take advantages of online
tutoring. My goal of this research is to determine if it is feasible for the Hamline
University to implement online tutoring services to ensure students academic success.
Upon approval, I will follow the schedule as further outlined in this memo.
Given the success of my preliminary research on online tutoring services, and my plan
for future research, I can confidently say that there are lots of informative sources related
to my topic. These credible sources ensure my success in doing research on this subject.
My feasibility report and recommendation will be provided by April 26, 2015.

Based on my preliminary research, Hamline Universitys 6-year graduation rate is 65%
and retention rate is 83% (Hamline University Office of Institutional Research, 2015).
Given that effective tutoring services have a positive impact on retention and degree
attainment for students (Reinheimer & McKenzie, 2011), it is important for Hamline
students to be provided opportunities to get help from tutors across many majors.
The current problem is that there are about 2,500 undergraduate students at Hamline
University with limited hours for tutoring and writing center services. Most tutors are
Hamline students who have been recommended by faculty for their aptitude on the
specific subject and their personal characteristics. Therefore, tutoring outside school
hours becomes a hassle and inconvenient for both tutors and students who have tight
schedules. Tutors set up schedules when they are available, and wait for people to visit
them at a pre-ordered table. Because the tutoring time is limited, it is not surprising to see
many students crowd around the same table waiting for tutors. Each student may only
talk to the tutors for ten minutes due to others waiting. Lots of students who live offcampus may not be able to meet with tutors in the fixed hours, so they lose opportunities
to get help from the program. This is the same at the writing center, where each student is
limited to one hour every week to get help. It is difficult for writing tutors to correct a
paper on the spot with limited time to process and understand the purpose of the writing
assignment. This also adds pressure to the tutor and likely diminishes the quality of the
Given that as more students become accustomed to technology, the competition for
online tutoring services is likely to heat up (Chediak, 2005). Hamline University should
consider providing students a more flexible, convenient and effective tutoring system
through the Internet. There are many documented benefits of having an online tutoring
service. Convenience is the top benefit on the list. Also students who do not need instant
feedback could submit questions online. The tutor could then notify the student when his
or her comprehensive response is available. By doing so, tutors could better focus on
helping students who have more complex problems. If you are learning online then you
can learn anywhere, just as long as you have an Internet connection [] Another
benefits is that the learner is able to scaffold their learning by making appointments with
the same e-tutor. []A student using online tutoring may need to boost their previous
learning in order to grasp what they are learning now and with an online tutor this
problem can be quickly resolved (Funk, 2013). Expanding the writing center online
could provide more appointments for students who need extra help on their papers.
Hamline students could email papers to writing tutors, instead of having to travel to the
tutors at the writing center. By doing so, tutors will have more time available to help
students. Also, students could document the comments that are emailed back to them for
future study purposes.
The University of Illinois has successfully adopted a new online tutoring service called
smarthinking. Students can connect with an e-instructor and interact with a live tutor
through this service. They can also submit their writing for any class to their online

writing lab in order to get help. Not only that, but they are able to submit a question and
receive a reply from a tutor before the deadline.
I propose to research the feasibility of conducting an online tutoring service at Hamline
University as well as the opinions of students, writing centers faculty, and tutors toward
this new system. Also, I propose to research the benefits and cost of conducting the
online tutoring services.
Proposed Procedure
The following section will include the preliminary research I have completed and also my
proposed research. Not only that, it will contain the schedule, my experience, and the
references cited.
Completed Research
My current research consists of the following:
I have identified the flooring materials needed for this topic.
I have visited Hamline Universitys websites on the existing tutoring
services and writing center program.
Research has been completed to determine the benefits of conducting the
online tutoring services.
Understanding the relationship between students academic success and an
effective tutoring system.
I have visited websites for three universities that already apply the online
tutoring system.
I spoke with a student tutor on her experience and opinions while working
in the tutoring program.
Future Research
The following is the research that will need to be conducted during the ongoing semester:
I will develop a questionnaire for current students at Hamline University
to determine their support and interest in such a change.
I will also distribute questionnaires to related Hamline University faculty
to determine their support for and interest in the online tutoring system.
I will research/analyze the questionnaires and evaluate the results.
I will research the cost associated with building the online tutoring system.
I will research the expertise required for being an online tutor.
I will further research the biggest challenges of conducting online tutoring
I will research how other universities using the online tutoring system
overcome challenges.
I will interview Julie Bach, a writing specialist, at Hamline University.
From this interview, I will know her concerns, advice, and expectations
about building online tutoring services.

After completing my research, I will make recommendations based on the following
Would the online tutoring services offers students a flexible schedule to
get person to person help?
Would students be more willing to use the online tutoring services?
Is there an interest and support for online tutoring services being accepted
as a better tutoring method among Hamline University students, tutors,
and faculty?
Would the online tutoring services help students reach academic success?
Qualification and Experience
I have been a student at the Hamline University for four years, and I have a 3.5 grade
point average. I am taking a marketing research class in this ongoing semester and am
doing a market research project for a real world client. As an international student, I have
been using the writing center and tutoring program for four years; therefore, I have lots of
experiences and opinions for changing to a new tutoring system.
Completion Schedule

Completed by date
March 29, 2015

Report Graphics

March 29, 2015

Progress Report

March 29, 2015

Feasibility Rough Draft

April 12, 2015

Final Feasibility Report

April 26, 2015

PowerPoint Presentation

May 3, 2015

Lynch, M. (2014, April 21). Online tutoring should be convenient and cost effective.
Education Week. Retrieved from

Chediak, M. (2005, August 16). Online tutoring part of growing trend. Washington Post.
Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2005/08/15/AR2005081501265.html
Smarthinking. (n.d.) How It Works. Retrieved from
Rheinheimer, D.C. & McKenzie, K. (2011) The impact of tutoring on the academic
success of undeclared students. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 41(2),
Funk, K. (2013, May 3). Online tutoring: What are the benefits. How to Learn.com.
Retrieved from http://www.howtolearn.com/2013/05/online-tutoring-what-arethe-benefits/
University of Illinois. (n.d.) Online Tutoring System. Retrieved from

Hamline University of office of Institutional Research. (2015). Basic Data:


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