Enforcement & Citations
PTS’s goal is to provide safe, convenient, and accessible parking through sound parking management. PTS attempts to achieve this by educating customers. In addition, parking enforcement is necessary to help facilitate responsible stewardship of parking resources for the benefit of parking permit holders and the campus community. Parking on Georgia Tech’s campus requires a valid permit. Campus visitors and non-permit customers are required to park in visitor lots and spaces and pay the posted rates. All campus parking rules and regulations are enforced 24/7.
Citation Payments & Appeals
Parking Violations and Fines
Immobilizations / Impounds
Enforcement & Citations
Citation Payments & Appeals
Payment Options
Parking Fine Payment Options:
By mail using the envelope included with the citation.
Checks and money orders should be made payable to “Georgia Tech”. -
In the PTS office.
Credit cards, BuzzCard, checks, and money orders are accepted. -
Via payroll deduction.
Available for Georgia Tech faculty and staff only.
All customers must pay or appeal their citations within ten calendar days. A $5 late fee will apply to citations that remain unpaid beyond ten days (excluding citations in appeal status.)
If an individual is issued a citation for a parking violation, they have the right to appeal if they believe that the citation was not warranted.
The appeals process was established to allow the Georgia Tech community the opportunity to contest the validity of a violation and/or to present extenuating circumstances.
- Citation Appeals requirements:
- All citation appeals must be submitted online at:
My Parking Account. - Only the registered owner or permit holder can appeal a citation.
- All appeals must be received no later than ten (10) calendar days after the date the citation was issued to qualify as a valid appeal.
- If a citation is not appealed within ten (10) calendar days of its issuance, the appellant forfeits their right to appeal and the citation will be upheld. The citation will be considered delinquent and will accrue a five dollar ($5) late fee.
- Appellants may provide documentation to support their appeal, such as pictures, receipts, and statements. All documentation should be included when submitting the appeal through My Parking Account or submitted to the appeals board via [email protected] with the citation number referenced in the email subject line.
- Citation appeals are read within fourteen (14) calendar days of submission. These times may vary due to Institute holidays.
- After review, the appellant will receive an email notification from PTS regarding the appeals board decision and disposition of the appealed citation.
Collections and Vehicle Tracing
Collections and Vehicle Tracing
Unpaid citations are subject to collections and/or Institute policies. Citations for vehicles not found in the GT Parking Database shall be traced through the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS); owner’s addresses will be obtained for collections purposes.
For students, unpaid citations and fines shall be transferred to their Bursar’s account after 30 days. Once the transfer has been completed, students will be required to pay the fines through the Bursar’s office.
Outstanding citations and fines prohibit customers from receiving parking permits for the following semester or academic year.
Parking Citations and Fines
Fines for any citation not listed here will vary based on the severity of the violation.
Citations and Fines
- Failure to Display Permit – $10
- First-Time Offender – $10 (Only applies to Unregistered Vehicle Citation)
- Improper EV Charging: Use of an Electrical Outlet – $25
- Vehicle Immobilization-Boot – $30
- Double Parked (In Multiple Spaces) – $35
- Expired Meter – $35
- Illegally Entering or Exiting a Pay Lot – $35
- Improper Parking – $35
- Misuse of Official Business Permit – $35
- Non-Electric Vehicle Parked in EV Space – $35
- Parking Contrary to Traffic – $35
- Parking w/o Appropriate Permit (Out of Zone) – $35
- No Parking Zone – $50
- Parking in a Bus Stop – $50
- Parking in a Crosswalk – $50
Citations and Fines
- Parking in a Loading Zone – $50
- Parking in a Reserved Space – $50
- Parking in a Special Event Space – $50
- Parking in a Service Vehicle Space – $50
- Obstructing Traffic – $50
- Unregistered Vehicle (No Valid Permit at All) – $50
- Impound Vehicle – $100
- Multiple Cars Parked on Campus on One Permit – $100
- Parking in a Fire Lane or Within 10ft of Hydrant – $100
- Parking on a Landscape – $100
- Parking on a Sidewalk/Plaza – $100
- Removing Vehicle from Impound w/o Payment – $100
- Tampering with a Traffic Control Device – $150
- Falsifying Records – $200
- Boot Replacement Fee – $250
- Parking in an ADA space – $250
Immobilization (Booting) / Impound (Towing)
Immobilizations / Impounds
Immobilization (Booting) / Impound (Towing)
PTS and GT Police may remove and impound a vehicle (at no expense to the owner) when:
- The vehicle is unattended and legally parked but constitutes a safety hazard or obstruction of traffic;
- A vehicle must be removed in the interest of safety of persons or property because of fire, flood, snow, or emergencies.
The Institute assumes no liability for damage to vehicles parked on Institute-controlled property during or as a result of immobilization or impoundment.
Removal or attempted removal of the vehicle from impound/immobilization will result in additional citations.
To reclaim vehicles, visit the PTS Customer Service Center during office hours. Customers should bring a photo ID. Customers may also call 404-385-PARK (7275) outside of office hours for assistance.
All customers must pay all immobilization/impoundment fees, storage fees, and all outstanding citation/late fees prior to the release of their vehicle. All applicable fees may be paid online at My Parking Account.
A storage fee of $5 per day will be charged for all impounded vehicles. Vehicles are considered abandoned and unclaimed after 30 days and are subject to transfer to a commercial storage facility at the owner’s expense.