Electric Vehicle Charging

Electric Vehicle Charging

Georgia Tech offers over 40 electric vehicle charging stations for use by students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Revenue from the charging stations are used by Georgia Tech to offset electrical, administrative, and maintenance costs. Rates, parking spaces, and conditions may be adjusted based on data received.

Image of reserved sign for electric charging vehicles.

EV Charging Stations

Rules & Regulations


Level II Charging for GT Affiliates and Visitors

Level II electric vehicle charging is provided by ChargePoint for an hourly fee. A valid GT permit or paid visitor parking is also required for all EV parking spaces on campus. Level II charging is available in the following locations:

  • Area 4 Visitor’s Lot (Ferst Drive/State Street): 6 spaces (hourly ChargePoint rates apply to all users). Any valid GT permit is permissible to park in EV spaces. Visitors must pay hourly parking rate in addition to ChargePoint fee.
  • W02 Deck (Student Center): 4 spaces (hourly ChargePoint rates apply to all users). Non-W02 GT permit holders and campus visitors must pay hourly parking rate in addition to ChargePoint fee.
  • W22 Deck (Dalney): 12 spaces located on the 3rd and 5th levels (hourly ChargePoint rates apply to all users). Non-W22 GT permit holders and campus visitors must pay the hourly parking rate in addition to ChargePoint fee.
  • W23 Deck (North Campus): 4 spaces (hourly ChargePoint rates apply to all users). Non-W23 GT permit holders and campus visitors must pay hourly parking rate in addition to ChargePoint fee.
  • WR30 Deck (Curran): 4 spaces (hourly ChargePoint rates apply to all users). Any valid GT permit is permissible to park in EV spaces. Visitors must pay hourly parking rate in addition to ChargePoint fee.
  • E40 Deck (Klaus): 8 spaces accessible from the Ferst Drive entrance (hourly ChargePoint rates apply to all users). E40 is accessible only to E40 permit holders Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. Non-E40 GT permit holders may access the deck after 5pm Monday through Friday and on weekends. E40 is not accessible to campus visitors.
  • E81 Deck (Tech Square): 4 spaces accessible from the 4th Street entrance only (hourly ChargePoint rates apply to all users). Non-E81 GT permit holders and campus visitors must pay hourly parking rate in addition to ChargePoint fee.

The hourly charging rate is $0.85/hour for the first four hours, then $5/hour thereafter; the rate increases to encourage patrons to move their vehicles to allow other patrons to use the charging stations. EV charging decals are not required to use the Level II charging stations.

Payment can be made using credit and debit cards, or by signing up for the ChargePoint Network.

Additional Information

Rules & Regulations

EV Charging Rules & Regulations

To view more detailed information about the official rules and regulations of Georgia Tech Parking and Transportation Services’ electric vehicle charging, please see the following file.


Need Help?

  • To report vehicles that may be violating EV charging rules and regulations:
  • For questions about Georgia Tech’s electric vehicle charging program please email: