Pauli spin matrices

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TL;DR Summary
I tried to solve this expression (Οƒi β‹…Οƒj)Οƒk in terms of zth component of pauli spin matrices. So that i can apply the spin projection operator to the baryonic wavefunctions. As the Οƒy component contains the imaginary terms, so i think it is more convenient to write spin in terms of Οƒz only. Please give suggestions.
Using the identity for the dot product of Pauli matrices: πœŽπ‘–β‹…πœŽπ‘—=πœŽπ‘–π‘₯πœŽπ‘—π‘₯ + πœŽπ‘–π‘¦πœŽπ‘—π‘¦ + πœŽπ‘–π‘§πœŽπ‘—π‘§. How to express this purely in terms of πœŽπ‘§, as x and 𝑦 components change spin states
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  • #2
You can write it using ladder operators ##\sigma_{\pm}=\sigma_x\pm i\sigma_y##.
  • #3
pines-demon said:
You can write it using ladder operators ##\sigma_{\pm}=\sigma_x\pm i\sigma_y##.
How it could be applied to the proton spin wavefunction?