TO THE SCORPION FILES! The intention of The Scorpion Files is to
present an updated list of all extant scorpion species and
the current situation in scorpion taxonomy. By clicking on the family names in the menu on the left,
you will find a family page for each family with some general information (and links to information) and a list of all currently valid
genera and species.
From 2008, I will make a list of updates for each family with more information and the reference which the updates are based on. The updates can be accessed by clicking on the
Update dates on the family pages.
Editors note:
Scorpion taxonomy is undergoing changes all the time, and all researchers do not agree on
what is considered the valid status for families, genera and species. Professional disagreement is good,
because this will drive science further towards better answers. The Scorpion Files stays neutral in these discussions,
and the published species list reflects the current taxonomical status based on published materials according to international taxonomical rules.
It is the editior's hope that this view is respected by the researchers and users of The Scorpion Files. |
The scorpion research community has now spilt into two main directions when it comes to the higher scorpion phylogeny and taxonomy. The family and species list is mainly based on the most recent published work (Fet & Soleglad, 2005), but you can find the alternative view (Prendini & Wheeler, 2005) in the link below:
Details on the status of higher scorpion phylogeny and taxonomy and valid taxa according to Prendnini & Wheeler (2005)
If you are using data from The Scorpion Files in a publication, please use the following citation (or follow the specific citation rule for websites specified by your journal):
Rein, J. O. 2017. The Scorpion Files. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology. [Accessed 2017.01.23]. Available from https://www.ntnu.no/ub/scorpion-files/
Use of the species list is limited to research, educational, non-commercial "fair use". Colleagues are welcome
to download, print, or use material from the species list, for their individual research purposes, so long as
the author and The Scorpion Files are cited as the source of the information. Users may not, however,
copy material from the species list into other databases or onto other websites, or otherwise disseminate
the information, without permission from the copyright holder.
Some species have their own biography pages. These are linked from the family pages, but
a list of available biographies can be found by clicking on "Species Biographies" in the menu on the left.
The species list is based on the
classification/phylogeny presented in Fet, et al. (2000),
which includes all scorpion species described until 1998,
Prendini (2000), Soleglad & Fet (2003), Prendini & Wheeler (2005) and Fet & Soleglad (2005).. I try to monitor the scientific literature on scorpion taxonomy and systematics to keep the species list updated, but I need help
with this. I encourage researchers publishing new species or changes in scorpion systematics to inform me about their results! I will also be
grateful if I can get reprints of the publications for my archive (electronic by email or on paper). I can be contacted at : [email protected] or at my snailmail adress:
Jan Ove Rein
Medical Library & Information Center (UBIT)
Norwegian University of Science & Technology
St. Olav Hospital HF
N-7006 Trondheim
New species/changes published after 1998 (i.e. not included in Fet, et al. (2000)) are labeled with a * in the species lists.