This page contains the U.S. National Science Foundation's Award Terms and Conditions for its grants and cooperative agreements. When you receive an award notice from NSF, it will identify which conditions are applicable to your award.
Topics covered in these documents include awardee responsibilities, federal requirements, pre-award costs, no-cost extensions, significant project changes, travel, allowable costs, project reports, final report requirements and more.
On this page
Grant General Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to NSF awards made to for-profit organizations (other than Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer awardees) and state, local or tribal governments.
Applies to new grants and funding amendments to existing grants dated on or after Oct. 1, 2024. The document includes the summary of changes.
Applies to new grants and funding amendments to existing grants dated on or after May 20, 2024.
.Cooperative Agreement Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to NSF cooperative agreements.
Applies to new cooperative agreements and funding amendments to existing cooperative agreements dated on or after Oct. 1, 2024. Document includes the summary of changes.
Applies to new cooperative agreements and funding amendments to existing cooperative agreements dated on or after May 20, 2024.
.Modifications and Supplemental Financial and Administrative Terms and Conditions
SBIR/STTR Terms and Conditions
General terms and conditions for the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.
Applies to new Phase I grants and funding amendments to existing grants dated on or after Oct. 1, 2024.
Applies to new Phase I grants and funding amendments to existing grants dated on or after May 20, 2024.
Applies to new Phase II grants and funding amendments to existing grants dated on or after Oct. 1, 2024.
Applies to new Phase II grants and funding amendments to existing grants dated on or after May 20, 2024.
.SBIR/STTR Phase II Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions (Oct. 1, 2024)
Applies to new SBIR/STTR Phase II cooperative agreements and funding amendments to existing cooperative agreements dated on or after Oct. 1, 2024.
SBIR/STTR Phase II Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions (May 20, 2024)
Applies to new SBIR/STTR Phase II cooperative agreements and funding amendments to existing cooperative agreements dated on or after May 20, 2024. View the summary of changes.
Special Conditions
Applies to new conference or group travel grants and funding amendments to existing conference/group travel grants dated on or after Oct. 1, 2024. Document includes the summary of changes.
Applies to new conference or group travel grants and funding amendments to existing conference/group travel grants dated on or after May 20, 2024.
.Awards Made to International Organizations (FL 26) (Oct. 1, 2024)
Applies to new conference or group travel grants and funding amendments to existing conference/group travel grants made to international organizations that are dated on or after Oct. 1, 2024. Document includes the summary of changes.
Applies to new conference or group travel grants and funding amendments to existing conference/group travel grants made to international organizations that are dated on or after May 20, 2024. View the summary of changes.
Applies to new international research awards and funding amendments to existing international research awards that are dated on or after Oct. 1, 2024. Document includes the summary of changes.
Applies to new international research awards and funding amendments to existing international research awards that are dated on or after May 20, 2024. View the summary of changes.
Research Terms and Conditions
The Research Terms and Conditions apply to research and research-related grants to institutions of higher education and nonprofit organizations. They implement the requirements of the Uniform Guidance, issued by the Office of Management and Budget.
View the Research Terms and Conditions webpage to view supplemental appendices, agency-specific requirements for specific federal awarding agencies, and more.