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Contractual interest rate % Loan against property Education loan Microfinance Vehicle finance (2-wheeler) Small business loans* Consumer finance
Minimum 13.00 14.00 23.90 16.00 19.00 22.00
Average - - 24.13 - - -
Maximum 26.00 24.75 26.00 31.00 41.00 52.00

* Indicates blended interest rate in co-originated loans. The minimum and maximum interest rate charged by the Company are 13.25% and 17.63% respectively.

Interest rates charged by the Company depends on a variety of factors affecting the Company including cost of borrowed funds, matching tenor cost, market liquidity, RBI policies on credit flow, offerings by competition, market reputation, cost of operations, disbursements, cost of capital required, inherent credit and default risk in the counterparty and products, industry trends, etc. Identical products with identical tenor and availed during the same period may attract different interest rates for different customers. Interest rates could vary depending upon consideration of all or combination of multiple factors including but not limited to the following:
  • Credit and default risk in the related business segment;
  • Profile of the applicant;
  • Industry segment;
  • Repayment track record of the applicant;
  • Nature and value of collateral security;
  • Secured vs unsecured loan;
  • Seniority of the loan;
  • Loan ticket size;
  • Credit rating of the applicant and corporate guarantor, if any;
  • Loan tenor;
  • Location delinquency and collection performance (applicable for retail);
  • Other indebtedness of the applicant.

In terms of Regulation 62 - SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, name and contact Information of the designated official of the company who is responsible for assisting and handling investor grievances is given here:

Prakash Chandra Panda
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Phone: 044-66687369
Email Id: [email protected]

Registrar and Transfer Agent:
Registrar and Transfer Agent
KFin Technologies Limited (formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited)
M. Murali Krishna
Phone: +91 40 6716 2222
Email: [email protected]

Debenture Trustee:
Catalyst Trusteeship Ltd (Formerly GDA Trusteeship Limited)
GDA House, First Floor,
Plot No. 85, S. No. 94 & 95, Bhusari Colony (Right),
Kothrud, Pune – 411038
Phone: +91 020 25280081
Email: [email protected]

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Portal:

SEBI has issued a circular no. SEBI/ HO/ OIAE/OIAE_IAD-1/ P/ CIR/ 2023/ 131 on July 31, 2023, to streamline the existing dispute resolution mechanism in the Indian Securities Market by establishing a common Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) which harnesses online arbitration and conciliation for resolution of disputes.

Disputes between Investors/Clients and Listed companies, including their Registrar and Share Transfer Agents (RTAs) will be resolved in accordance with this circular.

Level 1: Raise your concern with Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA)/Company Shareholders are required to first take up their grievance with the RTA/Listed Entity.

If the grievance is not redressed satisfactorily, the same can be raised through SEBI SCORES Portal which can be accessed at

Level 3: ODR Mechanism
In case the Shareholder is not satisfied with the resolution provided at Level 1 or 2, then the Online Dispute Resolution process may be initiated through the ODR Portal at

Click here to refer the aforesaid SEBI circular.

Unclaimed Interest/ Redemption amount

Investors who have not claimed the Interest/ dividend/ redemption amount and find their name in the Search Facility, please courier the following documents at our office address “Kind Attention: Mr.Prakash Chandra Panda, Company Secretary, Northern Arc Capital Limited, 10th Floor, Phase 1, IIT Madras Research Park, Kanagam Village, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113” for processing the direct credit of interest/redemption amount:

1. Request Letter (Draft Attached)
2. Self-attested copy of the PAN Card and Aadhaar Card
3. Certified copy of the updated Client Master List (CML) with revised/correct bank details
4. Cancelled cheque from the same bank account which is getting reflected in the revised CML
5. An indemnity bond (Draft Attached) on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-

Also for quick process, request you to email the soft copy of the documents to [email protected].
For any clarification, you may reach out to the Company Team at 044-66687369.