Javi is living an average life when, in the midst of an argument with his girlfriend Lola, an alien touches down and makes him a superhero.
José Ramón and Javi become fast friends and conspire to get his medallion back from a neighbor, while Lola seeks more followers on social media.
Lola begins investigating the identity of the flying superhero with the help of new co-worker Rober. Javi tests the strength of his new powers.
While trying to raise money for the injured dog's operation, Javi hits a low point. José Ramón makes an effort to focus on studying.
Lola attempts to interview a recovering José Ramón about his experience with Titan. Javi takes on a new job. Alicia is shocked during her visit.
When she and Rober ask all the neighbors in the building about Titan, Lola starts to suspect Javi. Julia and Marcelo's "Karma Police" plan hits a snag.
Titan grants Lola the first chance at an exclusive interview with him. Alicia and José Ramón look into finding Javi's dog a new home.
Alicia is convinced that José Ramón is lying to her about drugs. The Karma Police and Lola try to get a TV host to speak out against gambling houses.
Julia throws a surprise party for José Ramón ahead of his exam. Lola realizes how she feels about Javi once she's tasked with being honest for 24 hours.
Lola is determined to uncover the truth about Titan's identity, while Javi tries to keep it a secret. José Ramón finally takes his big exam.
Lola tests her new powers after arguing with Javi over which of them is the real guardian. José Ramón joins a group investigating Titan's identity.
The mayor of Madrid honors Titan, who must find his magical pills to restore his powers. The newly-uniformed Karma Police attempt their first mission.
José Ramón and Tucker have a mindfulness stand-off. Lola takes aim — with the help of some feathered friends — at a new target.
Under pressure from the mayor about the city's Olympic bid, Javi hatches a plan with José Ramón to deceive the Karma Police. Julia develops a crush.
Tucker conducts a competition between Lola and Javi to determine who is Earth's true guardian. Titan fans suspect actor Fran Perea is their superhero.
The superheroes and their friends attempt to unveil Fran Perea's lie. Tucker returns home to investigate who the intended guardian was supposed to be.
Lola and Javi are taken to the cosmos to settle the competition while newly-empowered José Ramón and Julia act as substitute superheroes on Earth.
The team bands together to take down a reptilian villain but the mayor's continued blackmail attempts put Javi in a difficult position.