Message to the NASA Grantee Community
On January 23, 2025, NASA’s Office of Procurement (OP) released a memorandum for the NASA contractor and grant community regarding Executive Order “Initial Recission of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions” and the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) memorandum “Initial Guidance Regarding DEIA Executive Orders.”
Per OP’s memo, NASA grant and cooperative agreement recipients shall immediately cease and desist all DEIA activities required for their award. This work may include but is not limited to: DEIA plan requirements, training, workshops, reporting, considerations for staffing, or any other direct or indirect grant activity related to DEIA. All grant recipients shall notify their cognizant Grant Officer if they identify requirements within their awards that are in violation of this guidance. Your Grant Officer’s contact information can be found on your NF 1687, Notice of Award for Grant and Cooperative Agreement (NOA).
Thank you for your work and partnership with NASA.
Temporary Restraining Order Memo to Stakeholders
Grant Status Webpage
Grant Webforms
Grant/Cooperative Agreement Administrative Supplement Request
NSSC Web Inquiry
Grant PI Transfer Request
NASA Insignia Guidelines
Grantees are strongly encouraged to use the NASA Insignia Format identified in the guidelines at NASA Insignia Guidelines for NASA Grantees. These guidelines aim to increase awareness of NASA’s mission activities via Grantee partnerships for a broader and more diverse population.
Payment Management System
NASA uses a service provider, currently the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Payment Management System (PMS), to provide Federal funds to recipients. PMS will provide instructions to the recipients for registering and requesting funds through the system.
Routine Monitoring
NASA is responsible for routine post-award monitoring on all awards, regardless of the award’s risk determination. At a minimum, routine monitoring includes reviewing award recipients’ annual performance reports, semi-annual Federal Financial Report (FFR), and Transactions Testing Review.
Annual Performance Reports
All NASA award recipients must submit annual performance reports. Annual reports are due to NASA 60 days prior to the annual anniversary of the award’s POP start date (e.g., if the POP of an award is October 1 – September 30, the report would be due 60 days prior to October 1.)
Federal Financial Reports (SF-425)
Recipients will submit their semi-annual FFRs in PMS:
Period 1 (October 1 – March 31): Due by April 30 each year.
Period 2 (April 1 – September 30): Due by October 30 of each year.
Final FFRs are due 120 days after the end of the POP
Additional information and training are available on the Payment Management System website at The PMS help desk number is 1-877-614-5533.
Transaction Testing Review
NASA will conduct an expenditure transaction test review once every five years during the period of performance of an award. In general, the purpose of transaction testing is to systematically test all payment/expenditure transactions from a selected quarter; identify potential unallowable, unallocable, or unreasonable costs.
Post-Award Certifications and Representations
Current and Pending Support (CPS) Form
NASA Pre-Award and Post-Award Disclosure Requirements
Regulations and Guidance
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
- Title 2: Grants and Agreements
- 14 CFR 1274: Cooperative Agreements with Commercial Firms (Rescinded January 2021)
- 14 CFR 1275: Research Misconduct
NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM): NASA’s Grant Manual for Proposers and Recipients
The NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM) provides pre and post award policy guidance to NASA proposers and award-managing personnel and award recipients to implement government-wide and NASA-specific regulations for applying for, awarding and administering grants and cooperative agreements with educational and non-profit organizations; State, local, and Indian tribal governments; and for-profit organizations.
NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions
In FY2025, NASA separated the Terms and Conditions from the GCAM to create a standalone document. This document outlines both the general and specific terms and conditions and applies to all awards issued under 2 CFR 1800 (NASA’s adoption of 2 CFR 200.)
The Research Terms and Conditions and companion documents are accessible on the NSF website.
NASA Office of Inspector General
To file a complaint regarding denial of equal opportunity or discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age; go to
300 E Street, S.W. Suite 8V39
Washington, DC 20546-0001
NSSC Grants Payment Package
NASA Research Opportunities Online (NSPIRES)
System for Award Management (SAM)