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The domain is official

This is the official website of the public authority of the Slovak Republic. The official website mainly uses the domain Links to individual public authorities’ websites can be found at this link.

This site is secure

Be careful and always make sure that you share information only through the secure website of the Slovak public administration. A secure page always starts with https:// before the domain name of the website.

Free flow of non-personal data in the EU

The Regulation (EU) 2018/1807 on a Framework for the Free Flow of Non-Personal Data in the European Union (Regulation) is applicable since 28 May 2019 and it represents another step towards removing all unnecessary barriers to free flow of data in the EU. The Regulation mainly seeks to remove all unjustified data localisation requirements which might be contained in national legislation or administrative rules and would prevent data from being moved to the territory of other Member State. More information about the Regulation can be found here.

For the purposes of this Regulation, a data localisation requirement is defined as: “any obligation, prohibition, condition, limit or other requirement provided for in the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of a Member State or resulting from general and consistent administrative practices in a Member State and in bodies governed by public law, including in the field of public procurement, without prejudice to Directive 2014/24/EU, which imposes the processing of data in the territory of a specific Member State or hinders the processing of data in any other Member State”. According to this Regulation, data localisation requirements are prohibited unless they are justified on the grounds of public security.

Member States are obliged to remove all unjustified data localisation requirements from their national legislation and publish all retained justified data localisation requirements via their online information point.

Data localisation requirements in the Slovak legislation

Based on legal analysis of currently applicable national legislation, no data localisation requirements on non-personal data have been identified. Per art. 4 (4) of the Regulation, all requirements for data localization in the Slovak legislation will be published on this website.

Single point of contact   

Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic serves as a national point of contact for requests to obtain access to data pursuant to the Regulation at email addresses:

[email protected]

[email protected]
