Portrait of Ryota Tomioka

Ryota Tomioka

Senior Principal Research Manager


Ryota Tomioka is a Researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge since 2015. He received his Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo in 2008. During his Ph.D. study, he was a visiting research associate at the Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. After a PostDoc position at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, he joined the department of Mathematical Informatics, the University of Tokyo as an assistant professor in 2009. Before joining Microsoft, he spent two years at the Toyota Institute of Technology at Chicago, a philanthropically endowed academic institute located in the campus of the University of Chicago. His research lies in the intersection of machine learning, optimization, and neural networks.

In the past, I have worked on optimization (opens in new tab), regularization (opens in new tab), distributed training of neural networks (opens in new tab), theory of neural networks (opens in new tab), and application of machine learning to brain-computer interface (opens in new tab).

After joining MSR, I have been fortunate to work with many talented students:

My personal webpage can be found here (opens in new tab).