Despite all precautionary actions, as well as recovery measures taken to protect our Investors; which includes, but not limited to, constant reminder communication with the Issuer by our collections team, licensed debt recovery agent following up with the said Issuer, legal notices sent by solicitors, as well as listing the Issuer’s name as in default on Experian (Credit Reporting Agency); you may not make good on your payments.
microLEAP will then classify said Investment Note as in ‘Default’.
Once an Investment Note has been classified as ‘Default’, microLEAP will outsource the collection of monthly payments to a licensed Debt Recovery Agent, who will demand and seek to recover the total outstanding balance through proper channels.
In the event you agree to pay in full / partially, or you are willing to restructure the outstanding amount due, we will ensure the payments will be transferred accordingly to the respective Investors’ Trust Account.
We have already seen positive signs of Issuers restarting payments through this method, though this may take some time.
If, after going through the above process and you still do not make good on your payments, then we will initiate demand of the full outstanding through legal means.