The Go Developers Network (GDN) brings together people who code in the Go programming language. With meetup groups that are organized all over the planet, Go developers can learn about the language, its ecosystem, and how developers and companies are being successful. Search for a local meetup group in your area or look for global remote events that are available to everyone.
Request a webinar using this form:
We hold meetings for development-oriented presentations and discussions centered on the Go Programming Language. Meeting dates vary, so please be sure to add events to your calendar as they are published.
The basic agenda:
Join us to share and learn about this programming language that powers much of the Cloud Native revolution. As part of the GoBridge and the Go Developer Network, we provide a safe and welcoming environment for those of any skill level!
We are here to help each other learn and grow.
We also invite you to follow us on Twitter as @StLGoMeetup and subscribe to our YouTube channel for our live-streamed events.
GoTO brings together Toronto and GTA developers who use Go. Whether you're just starting out or building production systems, join us to learn, share knowledge, and connect with the local Go community.
We're also on the gophers slack group, in the #toronto channel.
There's a Twitter with announcements and all that jazz up at:
(Formally Atlanta Women who Go, which has now rolled under the GoBridge initiative)
We are a group of people, from beginners to professionals, who are interested in creating a safe space to learn and explore Golang.
Membership is Inclusive to all. We especially welcome folks who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, women, non- binary, disabled, Neurodivergent, and those with diverse economic backgrounds.
Know nothing about Go other than it's got a cute Logo? You're Great!
Been working in Go since the beginning? You're awesome!
We (along with most others) have had a hiatus in Covid time. We are looking to start back up and would love for you to speak at a meetup!
Contact Hannah or Jennifer in the organizers if you want to do a short talk, demo, or whatever you have in mind!
Thank you to our Sponsors for making us possible!
Go Users Group Atlanta is a meeting place for people interested in developing and promoting the local Go development community.
We meet monthly at the Fullstory office at 1745 Peachtree Rd NW Suite G. Typically we have pizza/beer and socializing followed by 2 talks (a short 10-15 min talk and a longer ~45 min talk)...then we have games and prizes.
We are always looking for speakers! If you can prepare a talk that would be interesting and relevant to a roomful of Go developers, I'd like to talk to you. Email me: [](
Many of us hang out in #golang on Tech404
Can you please help by completing this quick 5 question survey:
A place where current and future go enthusiasts can come together.
Connect with other gophers, discuss the language, pick up some new techniques, and learn a thing or two.
From -- Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
A user group to meet and discuss the Go programming language (golang). Meetups are typically held on third Wednesdays at 6:30. We provide pizza and beer and will typically bring in a guest speaker to give a short talk on a feature of the language.
We are always open to new ideas to make our meetup even better! Please leave us feedback at this link.
Please read the Code of Conduct.
Logo credit: The cowboy gopher image is a modified adaptation of Renée French's copyrighted gopher images and is Creative Commons Attributions 3.0 licensed.
Photo credit: Constantine @ATxTE
The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language.
This is the Austin Chapter of Women Who Go: Our mission is to help women become involved in the Go programming community! This group is for you if: 1. You identify as a woman, publicly or privately.
2. You have some interest in the Go programming language, or programming in general.
Contact us at:
In the GoLang slack community in the channel #womenwhogoaustin 😊
The Utah Go User Group (#UTGO) is a community of people interested in software development and Google's Go programming language (Golang). Everyone is welcome. We currently meet in Lehi. To discuss and vote on topic ideas, go to