Honorary PETA Director Pamela Anderson sent a letter to the president of Texas A&M University (TAMU) urging him to put an end to the school’s cruel, ineffective muscular dystrophy experiments on golden retrievers and offering to adopt all the dogs from the laboratory and give them homes for Christmas.

“My golden retriever Star was my beloved companion for 17 years, from the start of my career in Hollywood. He even sat with me on the Baywatch set,” writes Anderson. “After he passed away, I shared my home with other beautiful golden retrievers: JoJo, King, and now Zeus, who could use some canine friends. I’d like nothing more than to give the dogs still in your laboratory the same love and care that I’ve given my other dear companions.”

PETA — whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to experiment on” — opposes speciesism, which is a human-supremacist worldview. The group has released disturbing video footage taken inside TAMU’s canine muscular dystrophy laboratory showing sick dogs held in stark cages, struggling to walk, swallow, and even breathe. Nearly 40 years of these experiments haven’t yielded a treatment that reverses symptoms of the disease.

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