Planet news, features and articles

an illustration of our solar system
An illustration of our solar system. (Image credit: MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images)

Live Science keeps you up-to-date with the amazing discoveries astronomers are making about the planets in our universe, from Earth and its solar system sisters to distant exoplanets thousands of light-years away.

Our expert writers and editors report on the discovery of planets more hospitable to life than Earth, research suggesting an unknown "captured" alien planet may be hiding at the edge of our solar system, why the jury is still out on Planet Nine, and even what color the sunset is on other planets. So, whatever your cosmic curiosities, there's sure to be something that captivates you in the latest planet news, features and articles.

Discover more about planets

Why do the planets in the solar system orbit on the same plane?

What's the maximum number of planets that could orbit the sun?

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