Paolo Sironi

Paolo SironiInfluencer

Global Research Leader in Banking, IBM Institute for Business Value | Bestselling author | Podcaster | Board advisor | International speaker

View articles by Paolo Sironi

Italian ethical transparency in the age of COVID-19

Italian ethical transparency in the age of…

March 11, 2020

98 likes29 comments

E pur si muove! Banks facing new challenges.

E pur si muove! Banks facing new challenges.

May 28, 2019

53 likes14 comments

Enterprise Wide Architectures for Artificial Intelligence

Enterprise Wide Architectures for Artificial…

May 13, 2019

79 likes11 comments

A conversation on European banking future with the oracle of Delphi.

A conversation on European banking future…

April 24, 2019

53 likes3 comments

✍️Transparency turns change into progress

✍️Transparency turns change into progress

March 18, 2019

54 likes14 comments

✍️ China between past and digital future

✍️ China between past and digital future

February 2, 2019

66 likes23 comments

How Barack Obama inspired my 3 books on banking innovation

How Barack Obama inspired my 3 books on…

January 23, 2018

160 likes14 comments

Commissione Finanze - Audizione sul Fintech

Commissione Finanze - Audizione sul Fintech

October 2, 2017

51 likes5 comments

FinTech Innovation - Financial investing gets personal in the digital age

FinTech Innovation - Financial investing…

February 28, 2017

136 likes8 comments

MiFID2 e PRIIPS tra digitale, valore e redditività.

MiFID2 e PRIIPS tra digitale, valore e…

February 1, 2017

68 likes16 comments

How IBM bought my FinTech, what I learned from Columbus

How IBM bought my FinTech, what I learned…

January 4, 2017

220 likes41 comments

Optimise your decisions, not investment portfolios (#FinTech)

Optimise your decisions, not investment…

November 4, 2016

93 likes13 comments

FinTech #Furniture, #Fashion and #Food

FinTech #Furniture, #Fashion and #Food

August 6, 2016

127 likes34 comments

#AmazonLoan: FinTech friendship might not last for good ... effectively already cancelled!

#AmazonLoan: FinTech friendship might not…

July 27, 2016

200 likes12 comments

Albert Einstein and my Robo-Advisor

Albert Einstein and my Robo-Advisor

June 20, 2016

79 likes3 comments

8 things Robo-Advisors need to know about personal finance and Goal Based Investing.

8 things Robo-Advisors need to know about…

April 25, 2016

52 likes12 comments

Talk to women, robo-nerds!

Talk to women, robo-nerds!

March 31, 2016

319 likes38 comments

FinTech vs Digital Bank: no cut&paste please!

FinTech vs Digital Bank: no cut&paste please!

March 2, 2016

162 likes27 comments

Wealth Management: personalised optimal portfolios without mathematics

Wealth Management: personalised optimal…

February 10, 2016


Is my Robo-Advisor a Mona Lisa?

Is my Robo-Advisor a Mona Lisa?

December 16, 2015

37 likes9 comments