The Key To Your Brilliant Idea: Find That Special Someone
We’re all the world’s poorest billionaires, just letting our game-changing ideas rot away in our Notes app because for a multitude of reasons we can’t get past “I’ve got this great idea…”
We’ve got jobs. We’ve got kids. I’ve got a dog who lets himself out of my apartment.
The idea is the easy part (isn’t there a saying about ideas being like a**holes, everyone’s got one?), the execution is the true test. So having worked with hundreds of startup founders and successful inventors I’m going to give you a tip that can truly set you on your path towards buying that Palm Beach vacation home with the waterfall pool you’ve always wanted:
Find yourself a partner.
What’s that? You don’t want to give up 50% of your bajillion dollar idea? Well guess what, 50% of nothing is nothing, and that’s what you’re earning now, so get over yourself and get networking. Here’s why finding a partner is going to change the game for you:
- Humans because of necessity evolved into social beings. You’ll enjoy the journey when you’re not doing it along.
- You need to be held accountable. We can easily let ourselves down, but when we miss a deadline that sets someone else back we feel pretty terrible, which is strong motivation to progress.
- You need an unbiased opinion of your idea. Your mom won’t tell you clothes for hermit crabs isn’t a good idea, your future partner will.
- I’m 99.9% sure you don’t know it all. Whether you’re launching a SaaS solution, hardware product, or new smoothie mixture you’re going to need to employ a diverse set of skills across business and financial planning, development, manufacturing, sales, marketing…the list goes on. The right partner will complement your existing skill set by filling your gaps.
And here’s the amazing thing: right now there is someone out there who wants to partner with you! How can you find them? Try these tactics:
- Attend local meetups for founders, makers, and inventors. Try to join groups loosely in your area, e.g. the local hardware meetup or local SaaS meetup.
- Check out sites and events dedicated to helping you find a co-founder like CoFounders Lab or BuildItWith.Me. You’ll also find some great conversations happening on the CoFounder subreddit.
- Tell all your friends and family about your idea. You don’t need to worry about someone stealing your idea (unless your friends with Marc Zuckerberg), that’s another BS excuse we make for ourselves for not pitching. Chances are your future business partner is a friend of a friend thinking of doing something similar right now and you’re only one or two degrees away.
Once you’ve made that magical connection you can decide what type of partnership makes sense. I recommend always dating before you jump into a formal partnership. Spend time simply working next to each other and meeting a few milestones. Maybe you’ll end up the next Sergey and Larry, or maybe they simply provide enough of a reason to show up. Either way you’ve got 5 months left in 2018 to find that special someone and get that idea out of your Notes app and release it into the world. Palm Beach is calling...
Advisor/InventRight/MS RD LDN
6yGreat article Gina Waldhorn.
Founder @ Bread of Hope, Inc. | Empowering Underserved Children | Food Conversationalist | Keynote Speaker | Rotarian
6yThank you. Very helpful article. Looking for a partner for my natural juice business and a couple of other ideas...
Co-Founder and CEO at Sports Innovation Lab
Consumer Centric, Results Driven Marketer
6yGreat article Gina!! I have been playing around with an idea for a few years and haven't done anything yet on it - out of fear (of both failure and success!) and not having all the expertise I think I need. I'm going to start looking at your resources to see if anyone else wants to jump into a dog-centric service idea....