INTEROpen supplier group launched to promote open standards in Healthcare in England
Great article on Digital Health about the launch of INTEROPen. INTEROPen provides a forum for Health and Social Care IT Suppliers to collaborate on the design and application of technical interoperability standards with a particular focus on HL7 FHIR. The group has been set up to support the delivery of the Code4Health Interoperability Community launched in November 2015. The group will concentrate on:
- Development of data exchange between different care settings
- Establishment and validation (including clinical validation) of FHIR based profiles
- API Definition that supports automated notifications
- Governance required to manage data and architectures that support locally shared care records.
It has the support of NHS England and NHS Digital is active within it. Any organisation that wants to join should contact the group by emailing [email protected]. Updates on the group’s activity will be shared via @INTEROPenAPI on Twitter.