New guidance clarifies peer-run organizations

View profile for Zoe Barnard

Manatt Health Senior Advisor

The key to the new guidance, in my opinion, is it solves the debate about whether a peer can supervise another peer. This clarification makes it possible for states to add peer-run organizations to their provider networks without stipulation that a clinician must be in a supervisory role. It's a big deal for workforce and recovery-oriented care.

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New #ManattOnHealth Insight by Zoe Barnard and Jessica Lyons: On June 5, #CMS released a comprehensive FAQ document that brings clarity and direction to long-standing #Medicaid and #CHIP peer support services policies. CMS emphasizes the importance of peer support services as a vital part of care for those with #MentalHealth conditions and/or #SubstanceUseDisorders. However, these services remain underutilized. This new guidance aims to expand access, increase reimbursement and ensure best practices. For more, read Manatt’s latest newsletter:

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