Words matter. 12 phrases to earn respect: (and show emotional intelligence) According to Forbes, 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence. It allows them to: ↳ Show respect for others' perspectives ↳ Turn conflicts into conversations ↳ Build trust through words Here are 12 phrases that put emotional intelligence into action: ❌ "I don't know how it happened." ✅ "That's on me. I'll fix it." ❌ "We don't have time for this now." ✅ "Can we discuss this on [a later date]?" ❌ "You're wrong." ✅ "I see it differently. Can you walk me through your thinking?" ❌ "This doesn’t make sense." ✅ "Could you explain that again for me?" ❌ "I'm busy." ✅ "Can we sync in 30? You'll have my full attention then" ❌ "You need to try harder" ✅ "What resources would help you succeed?" ❌ "I can't do this because…" ✅ "I won't be able to, but I can recommend someone who might help." ❌ "You guys need to sort this out" ✅ "I've noticed some tension. What do you both need right now?" ❌ "But let me explain..." ✅ "Thank you for bringing this up. Help me understand better" ❌ "Get this done by [time]." ✅ "I trust you'll nail this - let me know if you need anything." ❌ "Who messed up?" ✅ "What can we learn from this?" ❌ "Just keep trying" ✅ "This is tough - what part is giving you the most trouble?" Emotional intelligence is your leverage. Use these 12 phrases to build stronger work relationships tomorrow. P.S. What’s your top tip for showing emotional intelligence? — ♻ Repost this to help your network succeed at work. ➕ Follow me (Will McTighe) for more like this.
"We're in this together" is a phrase I often to use to invite stronger collaboration and relationships - it provides a sense of ownership and belonging.
The simple switch from a directive to an open, empathetic approach can foster collaboration and trust.
Will McTighe emotional intelligence truly shines through thoughtful and supportive communication.
Words truly have power Will 👏🏻 My go-to phrase for showing emotional intelligence is, ‘Help me understand better.’ It opens the door for deeper connection and a more productive conversation 🙏
It's all about how we communicate and how we make others feel heard and valued.
words are powerful, choose wisely
Will McTighe For me "I see it differently. Can you walk me through your thinking?" stands out. It shows respect and opens the door for better understanding.
Taking ownership and offering solutions shows maturity. This approach fosters trust and respect. Will McTighe
I love the focus on emotional intelligence... these phrases are game changers, Will! 💯
Follow for posts about business, leadership, and writing. Director, Operational Technology.
2moExpressing gratitude even during negative feedback is super key.