17 brutal (but true) work habits that kill your career: 1/ Taking feedback personally - it's about the work, not you 2/ Making excuses instead of taking ownership - people see through them 3/ Mistaking activity for achievement - motion isn't progress 4/ Trying to be liked instead of respected 5/ Avoiding difficult conversations - problems don't age well 6/ Never asking for help - it's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of intelligence 7/ Being the office gossip - that is not the reputation you want 8/ Not documenting your wins - if you don't track it, it didn't happen 9/ Staying comfortable - comfort zones are career graveyards 10/ Waiting to be noticed - visibility requires initiative 11/ Not having a vision for your future - drifting is a strategy for mediocrity 12/ Saying "maybe" when you mean "no" - it comes off as indecisive 13/ Underselling your achievements - humility is great, invisibility isn't 14/ Missing deadlines without communicating - people will assume the worst 15/ Being reliably unreliable - consistency matters more than occasional brilliance 16/ Not building relationships outside your team - you need career sponsors, not just mentors 17/ Ghosting when you don't know what to say - say "I don't know but I'm looking into it" Don't let these habits write your career story. What has been your biggest career mindset shift? -- ♻️ Repost to help others avoid these mistakes ➕ Follow me (Will McTighe) for more like this
Don't let a lack of relationships outside your team hold you back. Make an effort to connect, and you'll find that career sponsors are more valuable than just mentors. Will McTighe
Avoiding discomfort slows progress. Growth happens in tough moments. Will McTighe
Excuses don’t get us far—accountability opens doors. Taking ownership shows strength and credibility, Will McTighe
Success isn’t about being liked, it’s about respect, reliability, and continuous self-improvement. Will McTighe
#3 is my favorite.. motion doesn't equal progress. Action does, Will .
Will McTighe, your career story is written by your daily actions. Make them count.
Visibility isn’t luck, it’s built through initiative, strong relationships, and consistent impact. Will McTighe
Will McTighe Avoiding tough conversations only prolongs issues. Addressing them head-on is the true sign of leadership.
Effective action, not just busyness, leads to success. Clear goals and well-considered decisions propel career growth. Will McTighe
I coach executives to lead with confidence and impact by leveraging neurochange.
1dBrutal but spot on. Comfort zones and invisibility are career killers, growth takes ownership and initiative. Will McTighe