Place your bets on which can carry more jelly: our 100% recycled plastic garbage bag or [redacted] from the supermarket. Spoiler: eco-friendly products can also be super strong and leak-proof. 👀
Why does this also feel like a euphemism for going to the bathroom without Who Gives A Crap toilet paper too?
Can confirm that’s what too much Jelly can do to your body
You either die a scrappy D2C brand or live long enough to need "cool" side by side competitive demos
LOL, looks like the bag is doing a 'crap' - great product demo 😍 🚽
You did extremely well to hide from the audio the sniggers and laughter that the people producing this must have been holding in so desperately. 🤣
😂 you guys are great at marketing. ❤️
Today I learned what a garbage bag looks like from underneath.
Don't know why but found watching this so satisfying 😂
Multidisciplinary Designer | Available for Freelance
4moThe good old ‘20kg jelly test’ 😂 (Is it just me or does everyone enjoy the sound effects as much as I do?)