Last week, the work that I and many others contributed to, “Personhood Credentials: Artificial Intelligence and the Value of Privacy-Preserving Tools to Distinguish Who is Real Online,” was selected to receive the Future of Privacy Forum award. It was an honor to collaborate with industry leaders from OpenAI, Microsoft, Andreessen Horowitz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, University of Oxford and many more on detailing how to create a user-controlled internet where we can tell who's real or not. Across all the divergent viewpoints, we were strongly aligned that these challenges must be addressed using systems that avoid the centralization of power for censorship, and instead promote free speech and user choice. cc Steven Adler, Zoë Hitzig, Catherine Brewer, Renee DiResta, Eddy Lazzarin, Sean McGregor, Divya Siddarth, Wendy Seltzer, Tobin South, Connor Spelliscy, Manu Sporny, Varya Srivastava, Ronnie Falcon, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Shrey J., Claire Leibowicz, Srikanth Nadhamuni, Alan Rozenshtein, Andrew Trask, Lacey Strahm, Zoe Weinberg, Tom Zick, PhD., Eric Ho, Cedric Deslandes Whitney
There is only one solution for that: implementing a network run by individuals able to decentralise data and apps. It's commonly called Proof of Personhood, but I prefer to call it Proof of Uniqueness
Good work. I like the idea of splitting the real from the artificial or fake, especially making sure AI content is traceable back to the model that generated it. This needs to happen faster than industry can move.
Congratulations!!! We really need to get out there that we have empowering technologies.
Dream team! Congrats!
Love this Wayne
Congratulations Wayne!
Super glad to see those esteemed orgs valuing decentralization as a principle. Now about reducing that to practice...