viswanath hajib’s Post

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Resolution Professional IBC 2016, Consultant on IBC matters

Brief details: Appeal at Apex court The appellant-Jyoti Limited applied for listing of certain equity shares to the Bombay Stock Exchange whihc was declined stating "appellant had not taken in principle approval from the Stock Exchange and that the appellant had not even taken the approval of the shareholders for the allotment of the shares to the Asset Reconstruction Private Limited" The above order of the BSE rejecting the application of the appellant for the listing of shares was upheld and confirmed by the Securities Appellate Tribunal Grounds; Section 9(1) of SARFEASI Act 2002, permits RARE to take measures such as conversion of any portion of debt into shares of the borrower company. The appellant company had not proposed to increase the subscribed capital rather it is RARE that has done it, no approval of shareholders is necessary. Facts: Here it is evident that the appellant company had entered into discussion with RARE and it was agreed upon between the parties to convert part of its outstanding debts of Rs.32.80 Crore into equity shares.Resolution passed by BOD was not endorsed by shareholders of the company.application to lsit the shares was by Appellant Company and not by RARE. Accordingly, as contemplated by Section 62(1)(c) of the Companies Act, 2013, the approval of the shareholders would be mandatory before the shares are accepted for listing on the BSE. Finding of SAT that the approval of the BSE is necessary in view of Regulation 28 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, is clear and we do not have a different opinion. Special resolution of the shareholders is necessary which is lacking in the instant case. This statutory appeal under Section 22 F of Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 is devoid of merit and is dismissed.



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