If I'm feeling a little low today, how must you all feel? Felt your euphoric high at the confetti canyon moment last night. Just wanted to share some reflections with the cohort of 2024 Techstars Tech Central Sydney Accelerator. 1. Cohort empathy and care - I've been on your floor most weeks, over the last 13. Sometimes mentoring and others just sat in the corner working. I witnessed cohort care like I've never seen before. More than just having each other's back's but often going out of your way to lift each other up! 2. The diversity & culture work paid off - most people just play a better game when they know others care - again we saw this happen in real-time - pivots, new growth models, co-founder splits, deals falling apart, new product wobbling - through it all you supported each other 3. Huge kudos to 🍇 Kirstin Hunter & team (Teala Stephens & Gwen Masonsong) - you enabled a more connected culture (year on year) - in 13 weeks! You showed immense calm whilst managing various degrees of chaos. 4. All the founders were truly genuine. I took a strategy to lean into one start-up in particular this year but I got to see you all in action in some way. Love it when there is purpose as well as profit. 5. I enjoyed seeing you all find your strengths & superpowers by Demo Day and playing to them both functionally and emotionally. I could list them but you all know. Don't you? You should list each other's! 6. As Kirstin said, "this is just the beginning", the springboard to help you leap into the chasms and canyons of start-up land. 7. Look forward to seeing you ride the waves - the smooth and the rough 8. As a mentor, you kinda become vested in the startups you have chemistry with. So if you get stuck or just need a ''friendly'' & curious sounding board, please reach out. We want and need you to win! #givefirst ''I'm just like my country. I'm young scrappy and hungry." #takeabreather PS My photo sucks - I was too engaged to take photos!
What a beautiful reflection post Vijay Solanki🦄🚀🏔️ ! I have been so fortunate to have you as one of our lead mentor for Understanding Zoe during those 13 weeks of Techstars Tech Central Sydney Accelerator. I know it is only the beginning and I can’t wait to keep having you by our side beyond the accelerator because I love how you always shine the light on my blind spots. Thank you 🙏
It was the most incredible experience from the inside, I'm so glad it showed up on the outside too. The confetti is still on my floor, the smile still on my face. Thanks so much for all your wise words and support.
Such a lovely post Vijay Solanki🦄🚀🏔️ not sure the low has hit me yet, ticking off the tiredness first 😴. Wowee what a wild 13 weeks in the best possible way. Glad I got meet you along the way 🙏
Vijay Solanki🦄🚀🏔️ it was so nice seeing your smiling face in the crowd. Thanks for your support
Vijay you always come into discussions full of heart. Thank you for taking such a big interest in our success!
Such a wonderful post Vijay Solanki🦄🚀🏔️ We loved having you around the office for advice or just a chat. The fact that you saw the empathy and care that we have so deeply for each other makes me feel incredibly happy. Thank you!
CEO @ NEVAM CX | Techstars ‘24 | Empowering brands to create better customer experiences
2moIt’s amazing how we as a cohort know but I think it’s amazing when it’s recognised just how truly empowering and supportive we are with each other. This isn’t a competition, there’s enough room for all of us and we can lift eachother up and achieve even more.