साले फ्री का खाते हैं…… 10 रू की फ़ीस में पढ़ते हैं, फ़ीस बढ़ने का विरोध करते हो, देशद्रोही!! जेएनयू को तुरंत बंद करना चाहिए -रेखा गुप्ता, मुख्यमंत्री, दिल्ली,
Any institution that produces traitors and anti-nationals should be closed with immediate effect, be it JNU or any other. "Nation first, rest later"
Remove bad students from JNU.
I don’t understand why in today’s time when all educational Institutions run by Governments have been made to rely on self generation of funds. The Government has limited grants only to such institutions . Even we at IIT were paying only Rs 20/- pm for hostel rooms with free electricity and water. The tuition fees pm were also I think were 15 or 20 rupees pm My son has paid very low college fees in Delhi Government run Subbash Bose Institute of Technology . He passed out in 1997 and my daughter also paid very low fees in Maulana Medical College a Delhi run college She passed out her MD in 1997 The JNU under GOI primerly Leftist controlled university is still running almost free to students and of late it has developed mostly as den for leftist antisocial elements and spending unlimited periods there in the garb of doing PhDs In the present senerio it needs to be brought on par with governments run institutes and deserving students from poor families could be provided reduced fees as well scholarships to help them the financial difficulties The restructuring of JNU is immediately needed
हजारो सालो से जिनको शिक्षा से वंचित रखा, और जिनोने अपना अधिकार समझ के फ्री मे शिक्षा का हजारो साल उपभोग लिया, वो लोग कोन थे....? आज सिर्फ आजादी को पचात्तर साल हुए है और उन वंचित घटक के बच्चो को शिक्षा मिल रही है वो उनका अधिकार है और हर सरकार को उनको ये अधिकार देना सरकार का कर्तव्य है..... जबतक आर्थिक ,सामाजिक और राजनैतिक बराबरी इस देश मे नही आती तब तक वंचित घटक के बच्चो को फ्री मे शिक्षा मिलना चाहिये उनका अधिकार है....
Has this government created one institution of the stature of JNU that they are talking of closing down
Students in most of the Hostels pay Room Rents and also for Water and Electricity as used by them. Charging only Ten Rupees is shocking. Charges need to be rationalized from retrospective effect and it may be examined if the former students can also be made to pay difference between rational charges and pittance. Wastage of Water and Power must carry Charges at Penal Rates.
JNU should be closed and all anti national should be sent to jail.
Sahi bat bole
Vice President (Project Director)
1wवो तो स्टूडेंट हैं कम से कम पढ़ाई तो कर रहे हैं! लेकिन नेता जो जनता की सेवा के नाम पर सभी तरह की सुख सुविधाएं और भत्ता पेंशन लेते हैं उसके ऊपर कुछ बोलेंगी क्या मोहतरमा?