I wrote a blog post on a thorny but underappreciated problem in ML-based marketing personalization: event attribution. It's how you go from the actions you take and customer behavior you observe to creating training experiences for your model. Good attribution makes a huge difference in driving uplift, there are a lot of degrees of freedom in configuring it, and at the same time, it's rarely discussed in ML/bandits/RL literature.
Thinking of using reinforcement learning ML to personalize? You're going to need to solve the attribution problem. Our CTO and co-founder Victor Kostyuk explains some of the complications of this thorny problem in our latest post. 👇
Thanks for sharing this Victor Kostyuk, still looking forward to connecting with you.
Great post! seems this is also what RL is meant to solve for as well. Noisy attribution <==> Partial observeability
Reinforcement Learning Engineer @ OfferFit | Machine Learning Engineer | Data Scientist
9moThis is a very interesting problem that I think is connected to causal inference and causal ML. It will be very interesting to see the fields of RL and Causal ML merge into Causal RL in the future!