Most of you have agreed to an arbitration procedure and did not even know it. Larger companies often include this provision in their online terms and conditions in the long block of text you have to scroll through before clicking that ‘I Agree’ button to get on with making your purchase The arbitration clause typically requires that any claim be submitted to a particular arbitration organization instead of filing a lawsuit. This begs the question: If it is a good idea for them, should you include an arbitration clause in your contracts? Learn more: #vethanlaw #litigation #businesslaw
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In the past 8 years of my practice, I've handled multiple International Commercial Arbitration cases, including confidential ones. What sets it apart for me? The expeditious procedure and dedication to justice. One cannot ignore the fact that in today's fast-paced world, dragging out lawsuits just ain't feasible for companies. #Arbitration #Justice #SwiftJustice
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Arbitration Alert! Did you know that if multiple interconnected agreements are part of a single commercial transaction, an arbitration clause in ONE of the agreements can be used to refer disputes to arbitration? The courts have held that: - Interconnected agreements are considered a single commercial transaction. - An arbitration clause in one agreement can govern disputes arising from ALL interconnected agreements. This means that even if only one agreement has an arbitration clause, it can still be used to refer disputes to arbitration for all interconnected agreements! #Arbitration #CommercialTransactions #InterconnectedAgreements #ArbitrationClause #DisputeResolution #BusinessLaw #ContractLaw #LawFirm #ArbitrationLawyer
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Do you wish to maximise the effectiveness of expert evidence in arbitration? 🔎 In our short guide, we delve into the nuances of expert evidence in arbitration, exploring its importance, challenges, and best practices. Read the guide on our website (link in the comments section). #arbitration #evidence
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Not only a cornerstone of Contracts, the Good Faith is a General Principle of Law. This brilliant arbitration speech is another evidence of the latter💪🏻💪🏻 #contracts #arbitration
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Did you miss #CCAFellow Steven Skulnik’s contribution to this article that discusses the application of mandatory law in U.S. Arbitration? If so, this is worth a click: #CCArbitrators
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