Ursula von der Leyen’s Post

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Ursula von der Leyen Ursula von der Leyen is an Influencer

President of the European Commission

Witaj, Polsko! Hello Polish Council Presidency. I welcome the Polish presidency's focus on our Union's security, in all its dimensions. We are going to launch many important initiatives in the first half of 2025. So I'm grateful to have Poland’s determination and European spirit by our side.

Tomasz Kaczmarek

Audytor ISO 14001 i EMAS; ekspert ds. gospodarki odpadami


Poland’s presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2025 is a crucial moment for the entire Union. Focusing on security in all its dimensions, both internal and external, is vital in the face of today’s challenges. I am looking forward to the initiatives that will be launched in the first half of 2025. With Poland’s determination and its strong European spirit, we have a great opportunity to make tangible progress in building stability and cooperation within the EU.

Marcin Puchniarz, MD MBA

Business Development | Executive Management | General Management | Commercial Management | Business Strategy | People Management | Sales Management | Marketing Management


Good luck Poland! 🍀 Good luck the EU! 🍀

Paolo Bolzoni

Co-Founder and member of the Board at Foundatio Maastricht Chamber Orchestra. LIBERTAS IVS. Irony and satire are lethal weapons.


From Orbán to Tusk. From Russia's puppet to the EU. Welcome back to the Rule of Law, Poland!

Grace Kelly

HR Director CEME at Kingspan Insulated Panels


Time for EU to wake up and turn back on right track. I hope Poland will be able to do it, it's a last call. We need invest more in innovation and security. Less burocracy and micromanagment. Free and fair trade.

Pawel Michalski

BPO, Digital Customers Experience, IT, Solutions Architect, Consultancy, Project Manager


It is time for Europe to take advantage of Polish presidency and wake up. For now in every aspect of economy and legal burden. It is the last call...

Pamela Williamson🦉🥝🇳🇿🇺🇦

Narrative Strategist⭐️Geopolitical Analyst⭐️Narrative Intelligence ⭐️ Influence & Resilience Expert⭐️ Knowledge Synthesiser⭐️ Geopolitical Satire⭐️Narrative Magic (Owl of O.W.L.)⭐️Lawyer (Ret.)⭐️CEO Sky Canopy Consulting


Ursula von der Leyen Madam, I strongly urge you to support the forming of a ‘coalition of the willing’ to defend Ukraine in 2025 - with Poland as the leader. As you know, Europe is in a precarious position right now due to the statements by President-elect Trump that he will halt military and other assistance to Ukraine and pull the US out of NATO. Although Mr. Trump is given to making manipulative threats, he must be taken at his word. Western and Eastern Europe must plan for what he has foreshadowed. More of the same will not work. New and innovative solutions must be found. A European army is not feasible right now. There is no time to waste. The world cannot wait for European countries to upscale their military production capacity. The most feasible and fastest avenue to protecting democracy and sovereignty in Ukraine and both western and eastern Europe is the formation of a coalition of strong military forces, including the Baltics and the Nordics.

Christopher J. Wajnikonis P.E. (TX), CEng (U.K.)

President, Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


The use of shadow tanker fleets and other vessels violating the oil embargo, transporting weapons and other ruZZian trade must be stopped. In addition to their illegality, they are uninsured or poorly insured and pose a threat to our coastlines, seas and oceans in the event of an accident, navigational incident or attack. Those may have to be dealt with at our taxpayers’ expense. All countries and waters along their routes are in danger, and especially in shallow waters such as the Baltic, Danish Straits, Kattegat, Skagerrak and the North Sea. The same applies to the Turkish Straits, Greece, the entire Middle East and other straits. This issue has been raised several times, but nothing happens. International organizations are ineffective, this issue should be addressed individually, without delay, by countries or groups of countries, if they are effective.

Maciej S.

Senior Energy and Mechanical Engineer


Yeah, Poland has taken over the EU presidency, but it won't be easy. Even Scandinavian companies, which have so far invested massively in hydrogen steel mills, as well as onshore energy storage and offshore windmills, have slowed down or even pulled out. The outgoing chancellor of an increasingly economically and technologically weak Germany says that blue hydrogen needs to be looked at with a kinder eye, not just green hydrogen. The gigantic collapse of European, and especially Germanic, car companies, as well as the numerous layoffs in the entire steel industry, which right now should be increasing military production, especially of munitions, submarines as well as tanks, lead to one correct conclusion. "Green Deal", including the “Fit for 55”, will have to be slowed down a bit and the targets gradually, slowly lengthened. So to be implemented evolutionarily, not revolutionarily. In doing so, it is worth listening to engineers, especially experienced ones, realists, advocates of evolution rather than revolution.

Jochen Hauff

Accelerating renewable energy and adaptation to climate change


Great that Poland takes the lead at the beginning of this decisive year for Europe and the world! If there is one term that describes the Polish people well, in my opinion, it is “Polak / Polka potrafi” - meaning „Polish people will manage” , basically implying, finding a solution, no matter what/ somehow. Więc: Wszystkiego najlepszego - liczymy na polskie rozwiązanie niektórych problemów które nam czekają. Niech żyje Polska, a niech żyje UE!

M a n p r e e t S i n g h

GUARANTEED International Sales Increase #uk #cisnations #baltic #balkan South Eastern Central Central Europe Including Some North Europe


Dear President Ursula 🙏 Happy New Year 2025 Your efforts in Ukraine along with European Countries is amazing Well done 👍 Poland had extended Full Support 🙏 appreciate from the bottom of my heart bringing peace ✌️ to everyone. #peace #ukraine #poland #lovepeace

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