" A #crisis may commence long before an organisation is aware that they are entering a crisis event. Nevertheless, there may be clear signals that an organisation - that is aware of what to look for and what action to take - can take steps that will allow them to divert a potential crisis. A crisis can have as many as four distinct phases, namely prodrome, acute, chronic crisis, and recovery phases" - Smith, C. & Brooks, D. (2013) Security Science: The Theory and Practice of Security, Elsevier, p.202 In other words, the conditions for a 'crisis' may be created long before an issue or problem presents that you may/may not deem a crisis. Moreover, one or more pre-crisis conditions may form, leading to more than one instance of crisis, occurring simultaneously at varying scales. As a 'crisis' doesn't arrive in bright coloured overalls, wearing a sign and declaring a 'crisis' for you to respond or initiate a plan, you and your organisation must be in perpetual readiness and aware of changes that may or do lead to crisis. Because you may not survive an acute crisis event, significant disruption or advance, or persistent threat (adversary), as a chronic crisis in life and business can lead to decay and death. What does your threat intelligence apparatus look like? How does it function? How agile are you? Are you dependent upon static, power-laden/bureaucratic plans or adroit, adaptive and informed leaders and managers? How often do you personally train? And your team? #crisis #crisismanagement #complexity #chaos #crisisleadership #crisisplan #crisismanagementplan #stress #governance #decisionmaking #riskmanagement #riskinformed #securitymanagement #securityriskmanagement #resilience #humanfactors #emergency #disaster #emergencyresponse #risk #risks #enterpriserisk #enterprisesecurityriskmanagement #intelligence #threatlintelligence #riskmanagement #riskanalysis #riskassessment #riskmanagementframework #operationalriskmanagement #projectriskmanagement #projectrisk #operationalresilience #resilience #operationalrisk #riskintelligence #governance #safety #safetyfirst #safetymanagement #safetyassessment #safetyrisks #safetyculture #safetyanalysis #personalsafety #workplacesafety #healthandsafety #hazard #danger #peril #threat #PPE #protectivesafety #workplacesafety #security #securityriskmanagement #securitymanagement #securityrisks #enterprisesecurity #cybersecurity #physicalsecurity #informationsecurity #digitalsecurity #securityoperations #enterprisesecurityriskmanagement #securityassessment #intelligence #threatlintelligence #risk #riskmanagement #travelsecurity #travelsafety #travel #businesstravel #tourism #travelrisks #travelriskmanagement
. . . an ancient Chinese symbol for Crisis , was a combination of the symbols for Opportunity & Danger
Agente de seguridad en International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
1yVery good diagram, allows to understand in a simple and clear way the 4 phases of the crisis