Very satisfying to hand the reins over to Brian and the team that has accomplished so much and had my back for the last 11 years. It's been the best experience of my professional life. Looking forward to helping push the bus from the board room, and watching Jonah grow from the foundation we've built together.
Jonah Energy founder, president and CEO Tom Hart is retiring, after founding the company 11 years ago with the major acquisition of the Jonah Field in Western Wyoming. Tom successfully led Jonah Energy through extremely volatile market challenges, policy shifts of three presidential administrations and ultimately significant growth and stability. Tom’s visionary approach on environmental stewardship positioned a newly formed small independent operator in Wyoming into one of the nation’s leading natural gas producers on responsible and sustainable development. Jonah has developed cutting edge, and award winning, programs on methane emission reductions, surface reclamation and wildlife protection measures. Tom’s most enduring legacy at Jonah Energy is the fierce loyalty and commitment of his team. He was passionate about the most important asset of Jonah Energy, our people. Brian Reger has been promoted to President and Chief Operating Officer to lead Jonah into our next chapter. He previously served as Senior Vice President-Asset Development and in various Business Development and Reservoir Engineering leadership roles since joining Jonah in March 2016.
Your leadership in this space will have a long tail - thank you very much for the opportunity to learn alongside you and to support the work of Team Jonah.
Congratulations on a well-deserved retirement Tom! I am thankful for the years we worked together at Jonah and always appreciated your partnership and leadership. We did a lot!
Very happy for you Tom! Really proud of you for the company you’ve built with your team. Well done and looking forward to seeing you more now, maybe with a fly rod in our hands!!!! D
Congratulations on a great career Tom. It was a pleasure working with you.
Tom—Congratulations on your leadership and guidance at Jonah. You are stepping down from a company whose success is the result of your steady guidance and leadership. I hope you have some fabulous fishing trips planned
Congratulations on writing a great chapter! I look forward to what the next time has in store for you.
Enjoy your retirement Tom. Well deserved! Hope you and your family are all doing well. - Charley
Thanks for being a leader in WY
Oil and Gas Development
3wCongratulations Tom!