Check out a new resource area for healthcare professionals on the #ThrombosisUK website which shares #VTE #RiskAssessment tools commonly used in the #UK including the newly validated #HULLScore for suspected #thrombosis in cancer patients. Great to have these but we desperately need more research to better inform risk assessment and in areas where evidence is lacking - acute #psychiatric in-patients, first trimester #pregnancy +++
Thrombosis UK’s Post
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🚨 New Study Dispels Myth 🚨 A groundbreaking study (Jakob Christensen, Julie Werenberg Dreier) reveals that antiseizure medications taken during pregnancy are not clearly linked with an increased risk of epilepsy in children. This finding is crucial for pregnant women with epilepsy, offering new insights into medication safety. While some antiseizure medications still pose risks, this study alleviates concerns about epilepsy transmission from mother to child. Read the full article here: #ScienceNewsDK #Epilepsy #Pregnancy #NovoNordiskFoundation #MedicalResearch
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The newest version of the VMAP Guidebook, which is an INCREDIBLE tool for Virginia PCPs navigating mental health concerns with patients 21 & under, includes new content to support you at your practice. See it all for FREE at the link in our bio! #VirginiaPCPs #VMAPGuidebook #MentalHealthSupport #YouthMentalHealth #PediatricCare #HealthcareTools #PracticeSupport #MedicalResources #ChildPsychiatry #FreeResource
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🌟To all ABA therapists, our mission is to unlock the potential in every individual we work with. One powerful tool that has consistently proven effective in this endeavor is the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). PECS is a form of augmentative and alternative communication that enables individuals with autism and other communication challenges to express themselves using pictures. 🏥At ReadySetConnect, we understand the critical role that effective communication tools play in ABA therapy. Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to support therapists in implementing PECS and other communication strategies seamlessly. From scheduling and tracking progress to maintaining detailed documentation, ReadySetConnect is your all-in-one tool for delivering exceptional care. 🌐Ready to enhance your practice with PECS and ReadySetConnect? Click the link below to find out more and book a free consultation! 💻 . #ReadySetConnect #Clinicians #Educators #TherapyTech #EmpowerProfessionals #European #EU #HomeHealth #EarlyIntervention #Therapy #SpecialNeeds #Pediatrics #SpeechTherapy #OccupationalTherapy #PhysicalTherapy #DevelopmentalDelay #ChildDevelopment #HomeInterventionJourney #SpeechTherapy #MentalHealthAwareness #PsychologyInsights
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I'm mainly talking about green flags 🏳️ relationships. I speak primarily to teens, but all kids AND (adults/parents) should know this. We attract what we think about. We often discuss the red flags of an unhealthy relationship, but what if we acknowledge and emphasize (and especially demonstrate) the green (healthy) flags? I'm confident we may be much more successful in getting our message across to them. Here are a few I discuss with my teen clients and my own kids. ❤️ Apologizing for their mistakes if they hurt you and taking responsibility ❤️ Open, respectful communication-you are not afraid to express your concerns even if they are different. ❤️ You can be yourself! ❤️ You aren't confused ❤️ You feel supported ❤️ You always feel respected ❤️ You both encourage a support system outside of each other. ❤️ You don't feel judged (and if you do, you can talk about it) ❤️ Honesty ❤️ Displays empathy for you and others! ❤️ You can depend on each other ❤️ Support each other's personal growth ❤️ Respect for each other's boundaries ❤️ Offers emotional support ❤️ View each other as equals There are many more! What would you add? #parenting #pediatrics #teenmentalhealth #healthyrelationships #mentalhealth
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