It’s OK not to be OK. ❤️ The gospel of Jesus Christ offers hope. While life’s difficulties are inevitable, His mission is to save, heal, and restore. Lean on family, friends, or health professionals in difficult times. No matter how long-lasting the trials are, Jesus Christ always provides hope. Below are a few teachings from President Jeffrey R. Holland that can bring hope and perspective in times of difficulty. To learn more, read Elder David A. Bednar’s talk “That We Might ‘Not ... Shrink’ (D&C 19:18)”: #Wellness #WellBeing #MentalHealth
Hi , 👐🏻🙌 Please make time and understand why i keep follow up with you for a work, I am Allan, 7 years of experienced of doing VIrtual Assistant. I am a breadwinner of 9 siblings and i am so eager to find work. Please give me a chance, i know this is not negative, i am just looking for a work or any support you would give to me like partime or 10-15 hours each week so i can help my 9 siblings. I am sincerely knocking your help to help me or refer me to your friends who is needing for Virtual Assistant. I keep trying and trying as i know hope is never lost. I hope you will be an instrument of God as Angel. Please have mery on me. Looking forward for a positive response.
Much love June. I am also in the same boat. But we got this. Thanks for that. It really helps. Especially after just getting my priesthood back. And let me tell you it feels great. Anyways respect brother.
The Lord is always there to help us through desperate times all we have to do is reach out to him and find peace.
This is the only thing that got me through people in the church causing me to not be okay. Like out in nature, where stinging nettle grows, another plant remains available and provides the remedy.
It's OK not to be OK and it's OK to seek out help. God often uses others to answer our prayers and help us through our trials.
Waiting my missionary
I needed this today <3 thank you!
Genealogical Research Assistant & Consultant
2wThankfully, growing up with abusive atheist/agnostics, I learned young that God is there, loves us, and at times even intervenes…Actually, I’ve learned that he intervenes most through his people, inspiration, and power of the Holy Spirit-but only if, & when, people are humble enough, & faithful enough, to listen, see, & be a blessing. So, no, I never give up on God. But I also sadly,people-even “his people”, are often not what they seem, or who they are supposed to be…I began to see this as soon as I was old enough to attend churches on my own; & often terribly disappointed. So, I much agree with Mr. Gandhi, who apparently said something like, “he likes our Christ but not so much our “Christians”…Most Christians today have been a huge disappointment-worshipping guns, military/soldiers more than Christ, coveting wealth, mammon, pride, power, & greed-like in the time of old when the people lost sight of Moses, became fearful, faithless, & forged a golden calf; or Peter as the storms raged around him, took his eyes off Christ & lost faith, as we do now…We ignore the “greatest commandment”, we condemn & withhold from the poor, the sick, the alien, we have no mercy, humility, or love; so, Yes, I give up on men, their ignorance, & lies…