Steve Olenski’s Post

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The CMO Whisperer | Former Forbes Writer | Club CMO Program Chair | Massive Coffee Imbiber | Content Marketer | Podcast Host | Storyteller | Communications Savant

As one who interacts with CMOs all the time I can tell you this topic is at or near the top of their collective priority list. And while I am skeptical of those who espouse best practices when it comes to generative AI - only because it is so nascent - I felt compelled to share this particular piece from my fellow CMSWire scribe, Tiffany Holland Why? Glad you asked. I felt compelled for the simple fact I agree with everything Tiffany opined on, which she breaks down into four truths, which are below along with my brief commentary. Do yourself a favor and read her piece. ➡️ Truth #1: Inaction With Generative AI in Marketing Is the Greatest Risk Yes, yes and YES. If I could climb the highest mountain I would and bellow this to the masses below. This ain't the time to "sit this one out" whilst the rest of the world, AKA your competition is taking full advantage. ➡️ Truth #2: Generative AI Offers More Value Than Just Operational Efficiency Tiffany deftly writes of the "narrow view" many CMOs and marketers have of Gen AI, which "offers only short-term benefits and overlooks the true power of machine learning." Dating myself big time here but this reminded me of the late 70's campaign professing that orange juice is not just for breakfast anymore. ➡️ Truth #3: Generative AI Solutions Fails in the Traditional Marketing Model "Generative AI won’t deliver its full potential if organizations try to plug it into outdated operating models." Full Stop! Read and re-read that over and over and over and then, for the love of all things Holy, do NOT blame Gen AI if you do not adhere to this sage advice. ➡️ Truth #4: Ethical Governance of Generative AI in Marketing Is Critical I love that Tiffany saved this one for last because it is THE most important truth, by far. Gen AI and AI in general, is very much akin to the wild west right now; no rules of governance other than those self-imposed. Brands MUST self-govern the way they use Gen AI if for no other reason, it is the ethical thing to do. Please share your thoughts on all of this. I love a good conversation and yes, a debate if need be. Jeanniey John Aakansha Srota Manny Shelly Lou Jeff Raja Ted Lee David Alma Dom Rhonda #ai #GenAI #cmo

How CMOs Can Best Leverage Generative AI in Marketing

How CMOs Can Best Leverage Generative AI in Marketing

Ted Rubin

Speaker / Author / Strategic Relationship Advisor... Straight Talk


Marketing will truly win when humans control the machines instead of the machines controlling the humans. Use data and AI to inform, not to ‘make’ the decisions or take control of content creation. #RetailRelevancy and #AI

Srota Roychoudhury

Vertical Head - Social Media


Great insights, Steve! I completely agree that inaction on AI is the biggest risk marketers face today. Generative AI has immense potential beyond just operational efficiency, and we must adapt our strategies accordingly.

David Henderson

Communication & marketing strategist helping brands solve problems and tell stories with impact. Founder @ Storybound


Stevo great article. Let's catch up. Working with Wharton and GBK on new study on Gen AI that comes out on Mon.

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