As I started my entrepreneurial journey, I have been engaging with leaders in the financial services industry. The learning and insights from these discussions have been incredible and I figured it’s time to start sharing them with everyone. So here is the first installment of 'RaSa Credit Talks'—a series where I'll be sharing these discussions. #underservedlending #cashflowunderwriting #securedcards #creditcardconsulting
Rasa’s founder Sandeep Sachdeva recently had an engaging conversation with Abhi Pabba , Chief Risk Officer at Majority. The discussion delved into underserved lending – their favorite topic – as well as macro trends impacting the lending landscape. Abhi, a distinguished credit leader with extensive experience across both large and small financial institutions, shared valuable insights and perspectives. Here is Part 1 of their discussion; stay tuned for Part 2 in the coming days. Key takeaways from the discussion: ◾ Diverse Underserved Segments - Underserved segment is not a monolith but includes various sub-groups such as credit rebuilders, immigrants, young adults and those have been left out or opted out of credit ecosystem. ◾ Tailored Underwriting Solutions - Each sub-group has distinct traits, so effective underwriting demands tailored approaches for each one. For instance, utilizing bureau data from immigrants' home countries can enhance underwriting accuracy. ◾ Alternate and Bureau data - Use of alternative data such as cash flow is fueling new lending opportunities though bureau data should not be ignored. A combination of two data sources will enable more effective underwriting. ◾ Cash flow underwriting – It shows promise, but as it is still new, prudence is required. Several aspects including data gathering and reporting, risk modeling, customer consent and regulatory guidance are still evolving. Fintechs, in particular, have a unique chance to shape this emerging ecosystem. #creditcards #riskmanagementconsulting #underservedlending #securedcredit
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6moKeep it up Sandeep!