As private cellular adoption accelerates, enterprises are rapidly planning their evaluation and deployment strategies to drive innovation. From making cities smarter to enhancing surgical outcomes, integrating Wi-Fi with private 5G is just the beginning of what can be achieved. In an article in Business Today, Phil Mottram, Executive Vice President and General Manager, HPE Aruba Networking, addressed the coexistence of #Private5G & #WiFi for new use cases & how enterprise IT departments are exploring enterprise-ready private 5G solutions and deploying complementary networks for optimal connectivity. Business Today | Hewlett Packard Enterprise | Prakash Krishnamoorthy | Suryanarayan CS | Shubha Chandrashekar
NTN will also be a part in future 👍🏻
IT Business
8moCBRS types spectrum req. For Private 5G. Innovation is difficult when spectrum is sold at astronomical prices & Telco holds it tightly. If spectrum is open for Enterprises, then Private 5G will fly else it will be a Telco Game. Atkeast spectrum should be billable to Network System Integrators and Service Providers. Innovation happens with open policy from Goverment and what’s good for general public and larger interest. Private 5G and Wifi combo will fly like anything with speed and security with availability of network within limited boundary.