N. 1 Marketing Hazard. A couple of years ago, I took a small team through a very involved brand planning process for a small (2% of market) brand. Very different to what we’d done before. We did it alongside different brands for the first time. Loads of people on Teams. Multiple agencies. Lots of market data. Lots of dissecting. Breakouts with people that didn’t know each other and not enough time to finish tasks we didn’t understand. New words - ones you would NEVER use if a customer walked into your shop —> Leverage —> Anchor space —> Demand space —> Consumer recruitment “In what particular part of the morning was a particular type of consumer who cares about one particular thing at a particular time in their life going to drink one particular type of drink?” Over Engineered. I didn’t think that saying “I don’t know, they can drink it when they bloody want!” was allowed. So I tried to work it out. You see, I’d been sucked in. Maybe this was the grown-up way to do things. The ‘right’ way. I questioned everything I thought I knew. Moved all the thinking we’d done around until I had some words on slides that the people running the show started to nod at. But when I presented the new strategy to the board I had to keep looking at my slides to keep track. Because the words - were not mine. And when I presented it back to my team, I felt myself sinking because I realised… and then a trusted peer confirmed it: “You sound like you’ve disappeared up your own arse” 🎤 Words people don’t really say on a page in a format “everyone” puts it in does not a strategy make. The following year, we kept it simple. Started from what we knew. Reminded ourselves where we wanted to get to. Decided the most important things to do to get there. Wrote that down. Reviewed it monthly. 🚤 🚤 🚤 Small businesses are like speed boats, not ocean liners, or container ships, like the big ones. Do not look at them. You don’t need the kind of engineering that makes them move. I am not convinced they do but that's another story. Look at your boat. And what it needs to go faster. You know. It’s your boat. * Do you have someone who will grab you if you start to disappear? * Day 11 of 30 days on #smallbusiness and #startups #challenger #founders #brandstrategy #freelance
I think the phrase "loose lips sink ships" actually means - if you talk too much s*** your ship will never go anywhere...
I have to narrate some of this stuff, and sometimes it feels as though the world's gone mad!😂
Sofia a tour of your own bottom is what inflates the price of ‘name’ consultants. Why is everyone afraid of simplicity? I’m with Einstein: ‘everything should be made as simple as possible. But no simpler.’ 😁
Love your honesty here Sofia. I’ve been that head up **se person too for pretty similar reasons.
OMG Yes! I have sat through so many of those sessions that take dayze… We have a one page strategy now and the team informs it and lives it
Communication | Languages | Storytelling | Music | Events | Marketing
10moSimple is key. Many times we don’t even know we’re over complicating things. It’s with time and experience that we learn to discern when we’re looking at things clearly, or not. Love your stories.