Signature Litigation’s Post

International arbitration Partner Neil Newing and Senior Associate Pietro Grassi examine the Court of Appeal’s recent ruling rejecting claims for immunity from the English courts’ jurisdiction by Spain and Zimbabwe in relation to two separate investment treaty (ICSID) arbitrations, in New Law Journal. In the combined cases of Infrastructure Services Luxembourg Sarl v Spain/ Border Timbers Limited v Zimbabwe [2024] EWCA Civ 1527, the Court of Appeal heard two cases involving challenges by the defendant States to the registration in the English Courts of awards rendered against them in ICSID arbitrations. The challenges were brought on the basis of state immunity, but the Court held that, pursuant to the 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and National of Other States, they had waived their immunity. Read Neil and Pietro's article here:

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Tom Snelling

Partner at Signature Litigation


Really interesting Neil and Pietro! Especially as to whether one can expect to see all Contracting States to the ICSID Convention, including EU Member States, applying Article 54 of the Convention in a similar way. Or would that be too Convention-al an expectation…?

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