Siddhartha Sengupta’s Post

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AYURVEDA FOR Cancers , Parkinson , Heart disease , Infertility , Autoimmunes , Muscular Dystrophy & all lifestyle diseases / experts in integrative treatment for cancer . PREVENTIVE PREDICTIVE &RESTORATIVE Healthcare .

CONSCIOUSNESS - THE PLANE ON WHICH ALL OUR CELLS ATOMS AND WE VIBRATE ( QUANTUM FOAM - SHROEDINGER ) पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात पूर्णमुदच्यते पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते l - Brhadaranyakopanishad 5.1.1 punrnamadah purnamidam purgatory purnamudachyate , purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavasishyate . EXPLANATION : All that is visible are fully permeated by Brahman , it fills all those that are invisible . The whole universe has come out of the whole Brahman . However Brahman is still full perfect and complete although the whole universe has come out of it . Just like foam in which we are all floating , vibrating and attached with ( check the Quantum scientist Shoedingers definition of consciousness.. he calls it quantum foam which is exactly what the vedas say ) Today modern science is struggling to define consciousness or find dark matter or God particle eg : Copenhagen failed experiment because modern science needs quantum physics to be real science!! As per the vedas Brahman is consciousness or the plane ( foam) on which we vibrate ..( check my previous post on vibration ) eg : Just like fish in the ocean are all born out of water and water permeates all oceanic creatures , even when water is cut it still is water and full and complete and the fishes wonder where is water, how does water look ... when they are in water , of water and with water ! So as per the vedas we are in HIM ,with HIM and of HIM ! As per Ayurveda from the Brahman comes the 5 Tatwas , Akash ( ether element) .. from Ether comes Air ( Vayu ) ,from Vayu comes Fire ( Agni ) ,from Agni comes water ( Apa ) and from Apa comes earth ( Pruthvi Tatva) and each element or tatva vibrates for 24 mins in a 2 hour span . These 5 elements is what makes our RNAs or vata , pitta and kapha or the codes which the DNA uses to signal our cells in our body based on epigenetics or ayurveda ... Modern science also manages to define 5 elements in each DNA although they are trying to understand epigenetics ! To understand this better listen to the podcast- CANCER IS CAUSED WHEN ALL THE 5 ELEMENTS ARE DISTURBED OR IMBALANCED DUE TO THE POOR EPIGENETIC CHOICES WE MAKE IN LIFE .. and consciousness cannot run through you freely !! ... in case of autoimmunes or other lifestyle diseases maybe 1 or 2 or 3 elements are disturbed. check our video on this topic . website : #Ayurveda #quantumphysics #wellness #cancer #epigenetics #healthcare

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