Truly stunned to receive one of Princeton University’s Outstanding Teaching Awards. Humbled doesn’t cover it. A completely unexpected chapter in life, the honor of a lifetime, and deeply joyful to spend time with (and be inspired by) these extraordinary students. Thank you School of Engineering Deans Andrea Goldsmith and Antoine Kahn, and congrats to the other faculty members.
This is so amazing Shilla! Where do you find the time?? Huge congrats!
Well done Shilla. You are humbled because you give back to help others get closer to their aspirations, and not for personal gain.👏🏽
As though Shilla needed YET another exceptional talent laying in wait ;) in truth it’s way more than just talent it’s hundreds and hundreds of hours, it’s pouring over every assignment and genuine care for your students that’s reflected here. So proud of you!!
Everything you touch turns to gold! What a superstar you are! This honor comes as no surprise to me 🤩
So wonderful news Shilla ! I am not the least bit surprised. You are a star and a humble one at that - the best combo. Your students are lucky to have you.
I'm not stunned! You are a living breathing inspiration, making your extraordinary students even more so! Congratulations!
Such an amazing professor and extremely inspiring, much deserved!
Having witnessed you in action, not surprised! Congratulations! Hopefully see you in April for the social venture competition.
This is beautiful and not surprising one bit! Congratulations ❤️
Reiki Master
3hCongrats Shilla!