Sebastian Klumpp’s Post

What is #DigitalShelfAnalytics? OnlinehändlerNews asked me about this. Thanks for publishing. Digital Shelf Analytics (#DSA) refers to the collection and analysis of product-related data on e-commerce and retail platforms. Retailers and manufacturers can thus gain insight into the performance of their products, as well as that of their competitors. DSA is largely #automated, in some cases already using #AI solutions, and summarises comprehensive information on brand and product performance on a variety of platforms. AI offers new opportunities to make monitoring, analyses and actions even more powerful and automated. Full article (German):

So verschafft Digtal Shelf Analytics Überblick über Absatzkanäle

So verschafft Digtal Shelf Analytics Überblick über Absatzkanäle

Sascha Budil

Confident decisions through market insight | Souveräne Entscheidungen durch Market Intelligence


Thanks for sharing, Sebastian! DSA is indispensable in e-commerce and becoming increasingly important.

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