Ryan Quint’s Post

View profile for Ryan Quint

Founder | CEO | Thought Leader | Change Agent | Grid Reliability | Grid Transformation | Energy Transition

For anyone who will be at IEEE Power & Energy Society T&D Conference feel free to stop by our panel session on #EVs and #gridreliability. Will be an interesting cross-sector discussion including technology provider, independent system operator, and utility perspectives among others. E-mobility is driving the blending of Transmission and Distribution system planning, design, and operations. Particularly with the growing prevalence of distributed energy resources, IoT and grid-edge technologies, and virtual power plants (#VPPs).

View profile for Michael Walker

President Owner @ Walker Strategic Services LLC | Strategic Thinker, Execution and Results Focused

Don’t miss the upcoming panel presentations and discussion 2 weeks from today on the topic of EV Charging and Grid Reliability at IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) T&D Conference on May 7th from 1-3 pm in Anaheim, CA. Ryan Quint, CEO of Elevate Energy Consulting, and former engineering director at North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) will lead off the discussion with a landscape overview and call to action for more engaged cross-sector collaboration and establishment of “grid friendly” charging practices. Bryan Jungers, Director of Mobility at E Source will provide an overview of some of the challenges in the areas of managed charging, EVs as a grid resource, and understanding the impacts of medium and heavy-duty vehicle charging, as well as the need for improved communications and data sharing. Ryan Garoogian, Senior Engineer at Southern California Edison (SCE) and Deepak Aswani, Supervising Principal Engineer at SMUD will share their perspectives regarding some of the challenges their companies are facing, as well as examples of mitigation strategies they are deploying, with the rapid growth of EV charging loads in their service territories. Peter Klauer Senior Advisor to the California ISO will share important insights on some of the operational challenges the CAISO is facing in understanding and managing EV load growth in the context of California’s changing resource mix and the increased presence of DERs. He’ll also highlight opportunities for EV’s to make positive contributions in addressing these challenges, as well as the need for standards which allow grid operators to gain greater situational awareness of EV and DER load impacts. Scott Caruso, President of Gridmetrics, Inc. will share valuable insights on the breakthrough broadband enabled continuous point on wave platform his company has developed for delivering insights to mitigate EV charging grid reliability impacts. This will be a great session and we hope you can join us. #gridreliability #evcharging #DistributedEnergyResources #EVs

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